pgcool / textTOvec

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This code consists of the implementations for the model proposed in the paper published at ICLR 2019: "textTOvec: DEEP CONTEXTUALIZED NEURAL AUTOREGRESSIVE TOPIC MODELS OF LANGUAGE WITH DISTRIBUTED COMPOSITIONAL PRIOR".



Requires Python 3 (tested with 3.6.1). The remaining dependencies can then be installed via:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    $ python -c "import nltk;'all')"

Data format

Datasets: A directory containing CSV files. There is expected to be 1 CSV file per set or collection, with separate sets for training, validation and test. The CSV files in the directory must be named accordingly for DocNADE model: training_docnade.csv, validation_docnade.csv, test_docnade.csv. The CSV files in the directory must be named accordingly for lstm portion of the model ctx-DocNADE(e): training_lstm.csv, validation_lstm.csv, test_lstm.csv. For this task, each CSV file (prior to preprocessing) consists of 2 string fields with a comma delimiter - the first is the label and the second is the document body.

Vocabulary files: A plain text file, with 1 vocabulary token per line (note that this must be created in advance, we do not provide a script for creating vocabularies), each for DocNADE and lstm portions.

mapping_dict.pkl: A dictionary that maps the indices of words in DocNADE to indices of words in LSTM data format (i.e., CSVs).

How to use: Train baseline DocNADE model

The script or invokes to train the baseline DocNADE model, compute PPL/IR and save it in a repository. It will also log all the information with the PPL and IR models in the seperate directories. Here's how to use the script:

    $ ./
    # to compute PPL

    $ ./
    # to compute IR

    --dataset               is the path to the input dataset. 
    --docnadeVocab          is the path to the vocabulary of the input dataset in DocNADE portion. 
    --model                 is the path to the save the best model.
    --initialize-docnade    Init DocNADE weights. False for DocNADE; True/False for ctx-DocNADE(e) model 
    --bidirectional         True, if bidirectional settings reqquired in DocNADE. Default: False
    --activation            *sigmoid* for PPL and *tanh* for IR computations. 
    --learning-rate         0.001 
    --batch-size            training batch szie, for instance, 100 
    --num-steps             the number of training steps  
    --validation-bs         validation batch size, set to 1
    --test-bs               test batch size, set to 1
    --validation-ppl-freq   computate PPL of validation set at this frequency  
    --validation-ir-freq    computate IR of validation set at this frequency    
    --test-ir-freq          computate IR of test set at this frequency  
    --test-ppl-freq         computate PPL of test set at this frequency  
    --num-classes           number of class labels; not used.
    --patience              stopping criteria on validation scores
    --supervised            If training in supervised setting. Set to False.
    --hidden-size           The number of hidden units in a hiden vector 
    --combination-type      The mode of combining hidden vectors from DocNADE and LSTM portions. Set to 'sum'  
    --vocab-size            Voabulary size in DocNADE portion. 
    --deep                  True, if additional layers on both DocNADE and LSTM portions. Set False for non-deep versions. 
    --deep-hidden-sizes     List of hidden sizes. For instance, for a two layered network, set: 200 200. Used, if deep = True
    --trainfile             is path to training text file. (required in case of topic coherence)
    --valfile               is path to validation text file. (required in case of topic coherence)
    --testfile              is path to testing text file. (required in case of topic coherence)
    --reload                True, if reloading of a model required. Set to False otherwise.  
    --reload-model-dir      Path to the model to reload. Used only if reload set to True. 

    *** TO DO ***: Improve Documentation. 

How to use: Train ctx-DocNADE or ctx-DocNADEe model

The script or invokes to train the ctx-DocNADE or ctx-DocNADEe model, compute PPL/IR and save it in a repository. It will also log all the information with the PPL and IR models in the seperate directories. Here's how to use the script:

    $ ./
    # to compute PPL using ctx-DocNADE or crx-DocNADEe model i.e., textTOvec models

    $ ./
    # to compute IR using ctx-DocNADE or crx-DocNADEe model i.e., textTOvec models

    --dataset               is the path to the input dataset. 
    --mapping-dict          is the path to mapping_dict.pkl file.
    --rnnVocab              is the path to the vocabulary of the input dataset in LSTM portion.
    --docnadeVocab          is the path to the vocabulary of the input dataset in DocNADE portion. 
    --model                 is the path to the save the best model.
    --initialize-docnade    Init DocNADE weights. False for DocNADE; True/False for ctx-DocNADE(e) model 
    --bidirectional         True, if bidirectional settings reqquired in DocNADE. Default: False
    --activation            sigmoid for PPL and tanh for IR computations. 
    --learning-rate         0.001 
    --batch-size            training batch szie, for instance, 100 
    --num-steps             the number of training steps  
    --validation-bs         validation batch size, set to 1
    --test-bs               test batch size, set to 1
    --validation-ppl-freq   computate PPL of validation set at this frequency  
    --validation-ir-freq    computate IR of validation set at this frequency    
    --test-ir-freq          computate IR of test set at this frequency  
    --test-ppl-freq         computate PPL of test set at this frequency  
    --num-classes           number of class labels; not used.
    --patience              stopping criteria on validation scores
    --supervised            If training in supervised setting. Set to False.
    --hidden-size           The number of hidden units in a hiden vector 
    --combination-type      The mode of combining hidden vectors from DocNADE and LSTM portions. Set to 'sum'  
    --vocab-size            Voabulary size in DocNADE portion. 
    --deep                  True, if additional layers on both DocNADE and LSTM portions. Set False for non-deep versions. 
    --deep-hidden-sizes     List of hidden sizes. For instance, for a two layered network, set: 200 200. Used, if deep = True
    --use-docnade-for-ir    True, to log IR due to DocNADE portion *only* in the ctx-DocNADE ctx-DocNADEe model 
    --use-lstm-for-ir       True, to log IR due to LSTM portion *only* in the ctx-DocNADE ctx-DocNADEe model 
    --use-combination-for-ir True, to log IR due to DocNADE+LSTM portion together in the ctx-DocNADE ctx-DocNADEe model 
    --initialize-rnn        Init LSTM with Glove embeddings, i.e., ctx-DocNADEe 
    --update-docnade-w      True, to update weights in DocNADE portion.  
    --update-rnn-w          False, to not update embeddings in LSTM portion. 
    --lambda-hidden-lstm    mixture weight, lambda in [0.0-1.0]
    --trainfile             is path to training text file. (required in case of topic coherence)
    --valfile               is path to validation text file. (required in case of topic coherence)
    --testfile              is path to testing text file. (required in case of topic coherence)
    --reload                True, if reloading of a model required. Set to False otherwise.  
    --reload-model-dir      Path to the model to reload. Used only if reload set to True. 
    --reload-docnade-embeddings True, to init DocNADE portion of the ctx-DocNADE from a pretrained DocNADE model
    --docnade-embeddings-path Path to topic-embedding matrix W from a pre-trained DocNADE model

    *** TO DO ***: Improve Documentation. 

Directory structure for results and datasets

Contains dataset folders

Datasets directory: ./datasets/

Contains GloVe pretrained embeddings

Pre-trained embeddings dir: /home/usr/resources/pretrained_embeddings/

Contains results of training

Results directory: ./model/

Saved logs model dir: ./model/MODELNAME/logs/

NOTE: We will improve the readme and code documentation soon.