Prometheus exporter for Pgpool-II metrics.
Supported Pgpool-II 3.6 and later.
$ make
Running using environment variables:
$ export DATA_SOURCE_NAME="postgresql://<user>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<dbname>?sslmode=<sslmode>"
# If your password contains special characters, use the environment variables below:
export DATA_SOURCE_USER="<user>"
export DATA_SOURCE_PASS="<password>"
export DATA_SOURCE_URI="<hostname>:<port>/<dbname>?sslmode=<sslmode>"
$ ./pgpool2_exporter <flags>
To see all available configuration flags:
$ ./pgpool2_exporter --help
Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
Print version information.
Address on which to expose metrics and web interface. (default ":9719").
Path under which to expose metrics. (default "/metrics")
Set logging level: one of debug, info, warn, error.
Set the log format: one of logfmt, json.
This package is available for Docker. The following environment variables configure the docker container:
PostgreSQL user name. Default is postgres
PostgreSQL user password. Default is postgres
Database name. Default is postgres
Pgpool-II hostname. Default is localhost
Pgpool-II port number. Default is 9999
Whether or not to use SSL. Default is disable
. Valid values: disable, require, verify-ca, verify-full.
docker run --name pgpool2_exporter \
--net=host --rm \
-e POSTGRES_USERNAME=<username> \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<password> \
-e POSTGRES_DATABASE=<database> \
-e PGPOOL_SERVICE=<hostname> \
-e SSLMODE=<sslmode> \
name | Pgpool-II Version | Description |
pgpool2_frontend_total | 3.6+ | Number of total child processes |
pgpool2_frontend_used | 3.6+ | Number of used child processes |
pgpool2_frontend_used_ratio | 3.6+ | Ratio of used child processes to total child processes (0.0 to 1.0) |
pgpool2_pool_nodes_status | 3.6+ | Backend node Status (1 for up or waiting, 0 for down or unused) |
pgpool2_pool_nodes_replication_delay | 3.6+ | Replication delay |
pgpool2_pool_nodes_select_cnt | 3.6+ | SELECT query counts issued to each backend |
pgpool2_pool_cache_cache_hit_ratio | 3.6+ | Query cache hit ratio |
pgpool2_pool_cache_num_cache_entries | 3.6+ | Number of used cache entries |
pgpool2_pool_cache_num_hash_entries | 3.6+ | Number of total hash entries |
pgpool2_pool_cache_used_hash_entries | 3.6+ | Number of used hash entries |
pgpool2_pool_backend_stats_select_cnt | 4.2+ | SELECT statement counts issued to each backend |
pgpool2_pool_backend_stats_insert_cnt | 4.2+ | INSERT statement counts issued to each backend |
pgpool2_pool_backend_stats_update_cnt | 4.2+ | UPDATE statement counts issued to each backend |
pgpool2_pool_backend_stats_delete_cnt | 4.2+ | DELETE statement counts issued to each backend |
pgpool2_pool_backend_stats_ddl_cnt | 4.2+ | DDL statement counts issued to each backend |
pgpool2_pool_backend_stats_other_cnt | 4.2+ | other statement counts issued to each backend |
pgpool2_pool_backend_stats_panic_cnt | 4.2+ | Panic message counts returned from backend |
pgpool2_pool_backend_stats_fatal_cnt | 4.2+ | Fatal message counts returned from backend |
pgpool2_pool_backend_stats_error_cnt | 4.2+ | Error message counts returned from backend |
pgpool2_pool_health_check_stats_total_count | 4.2+ | Number of health check count in total |
pgpool2_pool_health_check_stats_success_count | 4.2+ | Number of successful health check count in total |
pgpool2_pool_health_check_stats_fail_count | 4.2+ | Number of failed health check count in total |
pgpool2_pool_health_check_stats_skip_count | 4.2+ | Number of skipped health check count in total |
pgpool2_pool_health_check_stats_retry_count | 4.2+ | Number of retried health check count in total |
pgpool2_pool_health_check_stats_average_retry_count | 4.2+ | Number of average retried health check count in a health check session |
pgpool2_pool_health_check_stats_max_retry_count | 4.2+ | Number of maximum retried health check count in a health check session |
pgpool2_pool_health_check_stats_max_duration | 4.2+ | Maximum health check duration in Millie seconds |
pgpool2_pool_health_check_stats_min_duration | 4.2+ | Minimum health check duration in Millie seconds |
pgpool2_pool_health_check_stats_average_duration | 4.2+ | Average health check duration in Millie seconds |