ph1p / ikea-led-obegraensad

ESP32/Arduino hack for the ikea OBEGRÄNSAD led wall lamp
MIT License
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Problem that all LEDs are glimpsing #111

Closed hobbid closed 2 months ago

hobbid commented 2 months ago

Hi, i built your project and after some pitfalls i got it up and runing but i have an brightnes issue. it seems that all leds glimms and therefore there is no clear contrast an the quality of the clock or other screens are really bad. switching the brightness in the web frontend down not really help.

To get it running i switched to pins as PIN 16 for the button was not available on my esp32 and with PIN 12 i had issues booting. After googlind i found out that for Pin12 it is stated: "boot fails if pulled high, strapping pin" so i switched to PIN 15. so this is my pinout now. `#ifdef ESP32

define PIN_ENABLE 26

define PIN_DATA 27

define PIN_CLOCK 14

define PIN_LATCH 25

define PIN_BUTTON 5


This is the board i used IMG_1778

And here is a image of the glimpsing leds: IMG_1780

Any idea what is wrong why all leds are glimpsing ?

Best regards


jaal2001 commented 2 months ago

Did you unsolder the chip on the display completely or just one pin? There have been cases, where the chip on the display needed to be removed completely.

hobbid commented 2 months ago

I desoldered the whole chip but unfortunately I ripped the first pad. Is that an issue ?


jaal2001 commented 2 months ago

Probably not, but if you look right of your cable, it seems that there is a wire shortig multiple soldering pads. Maybe that is the issue.

hobbid commented 2 months ago

That did the trick ! With the pure eyes the wire was not really noticeable. Posting the photo and the comment from @jaal2001 did the trick! Thanks ! 🙏 IMG_1790