ph1p / ikea-led-obegraensad

ESP32/Arduino hack for the ikea OBEGRÄNSAD led wall lamp
MIT License
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OTA not working #82

Open jekkos opened 6 months ago

jekkos commented 6 months ago

I have tried to use OTA updates a couple of times, but they never succeed. The upload does start but always stalls at some point. Then after that nothing happens and the task just stops. Does anyone have similar experiences? It would be nice to have this as otherwise I have to detach the lamp from the wall every time there is a new feature or bugfix.

thunder-62 commented 6 months ago

actually it works quite well here. The only thing I did was to fix an issue related to the weird Path on my PC:

env.Execute("\"$PYTHONEXE\" -m pip install requests_toolbelt")
env.Execute("\"$PYTHONEXE\" -m pip install tqdm")

I just put $PYTHONEXE in masked Quotes (\") maybe this helps ;-)

Aeonos commented 6 months ago

Can someone explain to me, how one can use the ota? I just managed to upload to my esp32 with the usb serial connection.

thunder-62 commented 6 months ago

just have look @

# Allows PlatformIO to upload directly to AsyncElegantOTA
# To use:
# - copy this script into the same folder as your platformio.ini
# - set the following for your project in platformio.ini:
# extra_scripts =
# upload_protocol = custom
# upload_url = <your upload URL>
# An example of an upload URL:

# upload_URL =

the only remaining task left is to ensure unsername and password in matches OTA_USERNAME and OTA_PASSWORD in include/secrets.h