phantamanta44 / tconmodmod

modifying modifiers for great and good profit
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Tinkers' Modifier Modifier

Allows modpack creators to modify properties of Tinkers' Construct tool modifiers.

Configuring Mutations

In your .minecraft/config folder, create a JSON document called tconmodmod.json. The document root should be a ModifierEntry[], the specification for which is as follows:

// Represents a single modifier to be mutated
object ModifierEntry {
    String? modifier          // Identifier of the modifier to mutate
    String[]? modifiers       // Alternatively, a list of identifiers to mutate
    MutationEntry[] mutations // Set of mutations to apply to the modifier

The MutationEntry objects are specified as follows:

// Represents a single mutation to be applied to a modifier
object MutationEntry {
    String type  // An identifier for the mutation type

// Mutates the in-game colour for the modifier
object ColourMutationEntry : MutationEntry {
    String type = "colour"
    String value // A 6-digit hex string for the modifier's colour

// Mutates the amount of material necessary for one level of the modifier
object QuantityMutationEntry : MutationEntry {
    String type = "per_level"
    Integer value // The amount of material needed for one level of the modifier

// Mutates the ingredients used to apply the modifier
object MaterialMutationEntry : MutationEntry {
    String type = "material"
    Ingredient[] value // The set of possible ingredients that can apply the modifier

// Mutates the maximum number of levels the modifier stacks to
object MaxLevelMutationEntry : MutationEntry {
    String type = "max_level"
    Integer value // The new maximum level the modifier stacks to

// Mutates an embossment such that it ignores the embossment limit
object UnlimitedEmbossMutationEntry : MutationEntry {
    String type = "unlimited_emboss"

// Mutates the way a modifier consumes modifier slots
object ModSlotsMutationEntry : MutationEntry {
    String type = "mod_slots"
    String value = "none" | "first" | "all" // the way the modifier consumes slots
    // "none" -> the modifier consumes no slots
    // "first" -> the modifier consumes only one slot when first applied
    // "all" -> every individual level of the modifier consumes one slot

Some mutations (e.g. material) require item stack matchers for matching ingredients. Those are specified as follows:

// Represents an item stack matcher used for matching recipe ingredients
object Ingredient {
    String type     // An identifier for the ingredient type
    Integer? amount // (Default = 1) The amount of the item needed
    Integer? value  // (Default = 1) The number of "units" of material applied per amount

// Matches items using the ore dictionary
object OreDictIngredient : Ingredient {
    String type = "ore"
    String ore // The ore dictionary name to match against

// Matches items by registry name
object ItemIngredient : Ingredient {
    String type = "item"
    String item   // The matched item's registry name
    Integer? meta // (Default = 0) The metadata value to match against

In addition to the mutation configuration as specified above, the main tconmodmod.cfg configuration file contains some useful options:

It is recommended that modpack authors take a look at these options before writing a mutation configuration.

Example Configuration

This configuration does the following:

    "modifier": "haste",
    "mutations": [
        "type": "colour",
        "value": "00FFFF"
        "type": "per_level",
        "value": 128
        "type": "material",
        "value": [
            "type": "ore",
            "ore": "ingotGold"
            "type": "ore",
            "ore": "blockGold",
            "value": 9
            "type": "ore",
            "ore": "nuggetGold",
            "amount": 9
        "type": "max_level",
        "value": 10
    "modifiers": [
    "mutations": [
        "type": "unlimited_emboss"

Construct's Armoury Integration

Construct's Armoury modifiers and traits can be modified in exactly the same way as normal Tinkers' modifiers. Create a mutation config called tconmodmod_conarm.json in your config directory and you're good to go.

A couple other interesting options are also available in the TMM configuration file for Construct's Armoury users. You're encouraged to take a look at those too.