Mobile ID client code examples and tools written in Java.
A sample JAX-WS based client implementation that is using the Swisscom Mobile ID SOAP interface.
Stubs were generated with Apache CXF 3.0 using the official Swisscom WSDL mobileid.wsdl
(see details in generateStub.bat
A very simple SAAJ based client implementation to invoke a MSS Signature using the Swisscom Mobile ID SOAP interface.
Create PKCS12 keystore from key and crt files. Use the same passwords as defined in the
$ openssl pkcs12 -inkey mycert.key -in mycert.crt -export -out keys.pkcs12
$ keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore mykeystore.jks -srckeystore keys.pkcs12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -deststoretype pkcs12
Refer to the
in the related subfolder
$ javac -encoding ISO-8859-1 -d ./class -cp "." $(find ./src/* | grep .java)
$ java -cp ".:./class" ch.swisscom.mid.client.Test_Client
MSS_Profile StatusCode: 100
MSS_Signature StatusCode: 100
MSS_Signature MSSP_TransID: HE5w0a70
MSS_StatusQuery StatusCode: 504
MSS_StatusQuery StatusCode: 504
MSS_StatusQuery StatusCode: 500
MSS_Receipt StatusCode: 100
MSS_Receipt UserResponse: {"status":"OK"}