phdfbk /

Website for the PHD program of FBK
Apache License 2.0
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PhD FBK students

based on Agency theme Agency bootstrap theme

How to use


All the students profiles are in 'students/_posts'

Images are in '/img/students'

images size must be 150x150 for each student two images must be provided: surname.jpg and (optional) surname_thumb.jpg

You can update the spreadsheet online here (ask for the access) and later generate all the md file with the script


The script generate in automatic filename(s), id(s) and modal-id(s). If the field for the image is empty, the script update it with the filename "no-picture.jpg"

no picture

~~it is possible to generate the list of users starting from a csv file called students.csv, using the script~~ py

an example of Dottorandi-2016-08-01-123039.xlsx and students.csv is provided in students/_posts/students.csv

the first column is autogenerated and it will be the student file name.

image, thumbnail,alt and modal-id are auto generated


All the students profiles are in 'alumni/_posts'

Images are in '/img/alumni/'

Open Calls

All calls are in 'opencalls/_posts'

Calls are organized by university: there are the University files that must contain the tag "call_uni" and a subtag that identify the calls

for example for the University of Trento tag: call_uni (it is used to list all the university) subtag: uni_trento_call (the tag of the calls)

in each university call there must be the tag corrisponding to the subtag of the university example:

tag: uni_trento_call


all the files are in affiliations/_posts images in img/affiliation

the tag: network is mandatory for each university there could be more than one department. the field 'department' contains the tag that identify the dipartments department: unipd_department the field 'modal-id' is mandatory and must be unique


Images are in '/img/about/'

========= For more details, read documentation