phenotypic / homebridge-web-sprinklers

Homebridge plugin for a web-based sprinkler system
MIT License
14 stars 4 forks source link


npm npm


This homebridge plugin exposes a web-based sprinkler system to Apple's HomeKit. Using HTTP requests, the plugin allows you to turn on/off individual sprinkler zones. With the use of the OpenWeatherMap API, the plugin can also provide water scheduling.

Find script samples for the sprinkler controller in the examples folder.


  1. Install homebridge
  2. Install this plugin: npm install -g homebridge-web-sprinklers
  3. Sign up (for free) to the OpenWeatherMap API and retrieve your API key (if you want scheduling)
  4. Update your config.json file


Accessory with scheduling

"accessories": [
       "accessory": "WebSprinklers",
       "name": "Sprinklers",
       "apiroute": "",
       "latitude": 0000000000,
       "longitude": 0000000000,
       "key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
       "zones": 6,
       "restrictedMonths": [0, 1, 2, 10, 11],
       "zonePercentages": [100, 75, 100, 100, 50, 100]

Accessory without scheduling

"accessories": [
       "accessory": "WebSprinklers",
       "name": "Sprinklers",
       "apiroute": "",
       "disableScheduling": true


Key Description Default
accessory Must be WebSprinklers N/A
name Name to appear in the Home app N/A
apiroute Root URL of your device N/A
latitude Your decimal latitude N/A
longitude Your decimal longitude N/A
key Your OpenWeatherMap API key N/A
zones Number of sprinkler zones 6

Optional fields

Key Description Default
disableScheduling Whether to disable water scheduling false
sunriseOffset Minutes before sunset to finish watering by 0
defaultDuration Default total watering time per zone (minutes) 20
cycles Number of cycles per zone (watering is spread between cycles) 2
restrictedDays Days of the week when watering should not take place (Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, and so on) N/A
restrictedMonths Months of the year when watering should not take place (January is 0, February is 1, and so on) N/A
zonePercentages Percentage of calculated zone watering time that a specific zone will receive (do not exceed 100%) 100
disableAdaptiveWatering Whether to disable adaptive watering and use defaultDuration instead false
maxDuration The highest number of minutes that adaptiveWatering can set 30
lowThreshold Forecasted low temperature (°C) below which watering will not take place 10
highThreshold Forecasted high temperature (°C) below which watering will not take place 20
rainThreshold Forecasted rainfall (mm) above which watering will not take place 2.3

Additional options

Key Description Default
pollInterval Time (in seconds) between device polls 300
listener Whether to start a listener to get real-time changes from the device false
timeout Time (in milliseconds) until the accessory will be marked as Not Responding if it is unreachable 3000
port Port for your HTTP listener (if enabled) 2000
username Username if HTTP authentication is enabled N/A
password Password if HTTP authentication is enabled N/A
http_method HTTP method used to communicate with the device GET
model Appears under the Model field for the accessory plugin
serial Appears under the Serial field for the accessory apiroute
manufacturer Appears under the Manufacturer field for the accessory author
firmware Appears under the Firmware field for the accessory version


When scheduling is enabled, the plugin will see if watering can be completed today by however many minutes before sunrise specified in sunriseOffset, if not, it will schedule the relevant time for the next day.

The day selected must match the following criteria for watering to place:

If adaptive watering is disabled, but scheduling remains enabled, each zone will be watered for a percentage (specified in zonePercentages) of the number of minutes specified in defaultDuration

The plugin schedules asynchronous zone watering times (no more than one zone on at a given time), as most systems are incapable of supplying sufficient pressure to water multiple zones simultaneously.

Start times will vary daily as a result of changing sunrise times.

Adaptive watering

When adaptive watering is enabled, a zone's total watering duration will be calculated as a percentage (specified in zonePercentages) of the calculation below:

highDiff = waterDay.max - highThreshold
lowDiff = highThreshold - waterDay.min
cloudPercentage = 100 - (waterDay.clouds / 3)
zoneMaxDuration = (((defaultDuration + (highDiff - lowDiff)) / 100) * cloudPercentage) - waterDay.rain

API Interfacing

Your API should be able to:

  1. Return JSON information when it receives /status:

    "zone": 1,
    "state": 0
    "zone": 2,
    "state": 0
    "zone": 3,
    "state": 0
  2. Set zone state when it receives:


Optional (if listener is enabled)

  1. Update state following a manual zone override by messaging the listen server:

