phhusson / treble_experimentations

Notes about tinkering with Android Project Treble
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Introduce a variant "LineageOS for microG"? #103

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Would it be possible to introduce LineageOS for microG as a new build variant?

I can help develop this, but I wanted to see if people were open to the idea before I dived in.

It's the same exact thing as the regular LineageOS, but some extras

Having this microG variant will allow people to use open source software but still use apps that heavily rely on some Google APIs that make some apps impossible to use (won't launch, etc) including any apps (banking, specialized navigation, etc)

And if this is a go, any tips would be helpful to get started. My naive view is that I am not expecting it to be different from the LineageOS variant that already exists in this project... so it might be possible to straight up copy/paste what this repo has for Lineage and change a few variables.

phhusson commented 6 years ago

Yes that's something I'd like to have, though as part of my "floss" build, not as a new variant (And not just Lineage, but all ROMs I support, currently AOSP+Lineage+RR) (Well I don't build floss for lineage, at the moment, but that's a one liner). Now the problem is that I don't want to push that in my tree as other patches, so that I don't force this patch to everyone.

Looks like they have a patch-over-stock build system just like me, so the integration won't be trivial. It wouldn't be too hard to make change my build scripts to include per-variant patches, the problem is that "LineageOS for microG" seem to do much more than just applying an extra patch, and it's not totally easy to know what they do.

From what I gather, you additionally need to:

That's all I can see for the moment, but I'm guessing other problems will arise...

ghost commented 6 years ago

I've tried and given up. Decided to stick with stock AOSP and that I'm better off not touching the Google API related apps at all. I have updated one of the device wikis as well.

Thank you for helping. I'll close this issue, but feel free to reopen it.

phhusson commented 5 years ago

K, I'm closing this because I no longer maintain Lineage GSI, and some people started building their own AOSP with microg ( )