phhusson / treble_experimentations

Notes about tinkering with Android Project Treble
3.31k stars 653 forks source link


How to build

For example:

git clone
mkdir Lineage; cd Lineage
bash ../treble_experimentations/ android-8.1 lineage

More flexible build script

(this has been tested much less)

bash ../treble_experimentations/ rr \ arm-aonly-gapps-su \ arm64-ab-go-nosu

The script should provide a help message if you pass something it doesn't understand

Using Docker

clone this repository, then:

docker build -t treble docker/

docker container create --name treble treble

docker run -ti \
    -v $(pwd):/treble \
    -v $(pwd)/../treble_output:/treble_output \
    -w /treble_output \
    treble \
    /bin/bash /treble/ rr \
    arm-aonly-gapps-su \

Conventions for commit messages: