phhusson / treble_experimentations

Notes about tinkering with Android Project Treble
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samsung ims implementation efforts #2307

Open martinetd opened 2 years ago

martinetd commented 2 years ago

(Related, but hopeless #2061 #2043 - sorry for reopening a new issue, I think it's better to start fresh)

Current Behavior:

known problem of volte not working on samsung device (commercially "A21", Japanese SCV49 model which has an 7884B if that matters)

... not bothering with the rest of the report template, as I don't feel it fits, sorry.

Additional context

So, after a week spent looking at this, all I could find on the internet is that "it is hard": no resources whatsover on what's been attempted, (obviously) no-one claiming they were successful, no idea if there are efforts in progress.

From what I could see samsung's implementation hasn't changed much in the last three years (from an old reddit comment), so if it were easy I'm sure it'd be done by now, but that's not a reason not to try for myself...

Could we please document this a bit?

From what I can see, the samsung stock rom has something split into three.


(I replaced 'imsd' with a script that does strace -f -o xxx imsd.orig on the stock rom instead to debug)


I believe this is what starts and corresponds to the com.sec.imsservice process above and communicates with imsd / does whatever is required to have calls forwarded from/to phone apps.

I didn't spend long enough on, just checked that its source wasn't provided in the opensource samsung package.


I've peeked at it (decompiled) and it looks like some legacy proxy to "secims" (called legacyImsManager in logs, does getsystemService("secims") and proxies to it)

Not sure if anything at all or what uses it.


This appears to be what contains references to /dev/socket/imsd and calls into it, so we probably won't be able to find too much in the apk itself regarding what kind of api or usage is expected for this.

It is compiled with symbols though so could be much worse. needs further look.


bunch of logs and config settings from my provider (SIP server etc) can be found there, probably helpful.

In particular, I don't get text messages either with the phh rom, and I see smsip in these settings so I believe the same service handles these -- but I see nothing at all that hints on how it's used (the string "smsip" doesn't seem present in AOSP sources), more investigation required there as well...

martinetd commented 2 years ago

oh, and please say if you don't want any reverse engineering done publicly as it's always a mess to justify in some context (asahi linux did great work documenting their RE team writing spec and implementers being 100% separate..)

probably late to say that but better late than never. In particular I don't think we need to stick to the imsd separation, I assume it's meant to avoid leaking ipsec keys to the java processes? but in my particular case null encryption is used so err I'm not going to be someone who cares, and if we can have something more generic that works accross devices I'm all for it.

phhusson commented 2 years ago

So, I got fed up of trying to reverse Samsung's IMS, it was way too intricated into Android framework for my taste, so I decided to go a totally different route: re-implement IMS from scratch as opensource software. This has some issues, notably no 2G/3G roaming, but has some beautiful features like allowing VoWifi over VPN over roaming eSIM.

There is some progress about it you can see at It is capable of logging-in into IMS server, and sending/receiving SMS. Even the code for ims over wifi is there, though the whole IMS + ePDG pipeline work exactly once (I believe because of some kernel bug, I'm not sure)

The code is super hacky, and doesn't do the integration into Android IMS framework, but I believe it does show that can be done. I have various pcap captures of the IMS communication, including voice calls, but they include private data, so I don't want to share them. But you can probably catch them with tcpdump on stock rom just fine.

martinetd commented 2 years ago

great! I definitely agree it's not worth doing the same way they do, I tried to willy-nilly copy a few jar arround and that didn't work well :P

I only have a single phone so I'd rather avoid too many back and forths between roms, I'll take a few more traces of the stock rom over the weekend and give it a try/build up on it.

Basically once ipsec tunnel/SIP registration is setup "all that's left" is to

This looks promising!

phhusson commented 2 years ago

Which double registration?

For code cleanup, hardcoded imei and user-agent is not exactly my first concern -_-' the code is quite literally one giant function, the generation/parsing of SIP needs to be done, well, for real.

Implementing voice is not a small task, because it requires implementing RTP (or piggy-backing on Android's SIP stack if it still exists), and connecting to audiotrack/audiorecord, encode the voice, possibly do the negotiation of codec (the carriers I've checked support PCM8. Not compressing is stupid, but well, that's an easy start)

As for another issue, is that the code hard-codes the fact that IMS is encrypted into an ipsec tunnel, but some carriers (verizon) don't, so we need to allow this case

martinetd commented 2 years ago

Which double registration?

Sorry, meant what you mentioned with "the whole IMS + ePDG pipeline work exactly once" -- I'm not sure what this implies if e.g. the tower changes (for my ipsec traces it seems to depend on my local and some gateway IP that might change if I travel? not sure)

Implementing voice is not a small task, because it requires implementing RTP (or piggy-backing on Android's SIP stack if it still exists), and connecting to audiotrack/audiorecord, encode the voice, possibly do the negotiation of code

ugh. lineageos removed adding sip accounts from their caller but I'm not sure if that means android is removing it or just lack of support, I couldn't find that bug id... Digging a bit into it it seems the android framework's sip has been deprecated, so that's probably the reason:

We probably want to use anything else that already does SIP for us instead of reimplementing it; that might handle all the rest automagically if we're lucky enough? I'll give it a look as time permits.

phhusson commented 2 years ago

Sorry, meant what you mentioned with "the whole IMS + ePDG pipeline work exactly once" -- I'm not sure what this implies if e.g. the tower changes (for my ipsec traces it seems to depend on my local and some gateway IP that might change if I travel? not sure)

Ah ok, I see the confusion, I really didn't explain anything there. This is "just" a bug in ipsec handling in Android: to do VoWifi, you need to do IPSec in IPSec. Android's way of handling networks mean that it sets IPSec context on sockets individually, rather than whole IP ranges. When doing IPSec over IPSec, if I remember correctly it does work, but it works exactly once, and then I need to reboot, to clear kernel's IPSec state.

Anyway this is really just for VoWifi, which isn't a priority

We probably want to use anything else that already does SIP for us instead of reimplementing it; that might handle all the rest automagically if we're lucky enough?

Right, so yet another thing I forgot to mention. I already managed to do full software IMS call (hence I'm pretty convinced it should work), this is using - that's an opensource IMS stack in C (nano readme at I ran it on my computer (with some tweaks to read SIM card infos from the connected smartphone over ADB), and it can make calls (I didn't actually do a call because of broken OSS, but everything I've seen looked ok except the very last step of opening audio device). (The readme-phh mentions how to setup the VoWifi tunnel, and the ims is done inside this VoWifi tunnel, which means that the smartphone is used exclusively for SIM-card access, and not for data connection)

This stack can compile to Android, and there is already a demo app for it However, it is usable only as a dumb SIP client, it doesn't do the IPSec and the SIM-card security challenges on Android (again, since I managed to run it from my computer the feature is available it """just""" requires to integrate doubango's ipsec handling and SIM challenges with Android's API).

Now, using this doubango IMS/SIP stack is indeed a possibility, but I don't really like it. Doubango can either be integrated as a system service or as an app. If it's integrated as a system service, then we need to define all the API to communicate with it, AIDL, connect it to binder, register it to services, declare its selinux policy, etc. That's pretty painful (BUT it would allow us to bypass Android's annoying IPSec API, sooooo that's kinda good) and we need to find out how to forward audio to/from this service into Android framework. Or we can integrate doubango into an app, in which case audio handling is easier (though still requires piles of JNI), access to SIM card challenges as well, but connecting IPSec API gets hard.

Doubango is no longer maintained, since 4 years ago. I already had to hack it at some places to fix IMS support, and I'm afraid that scaling to more devices/carriers will be pretty hard because of the ""object"" C code base.

Doubango is the only opensource IMS implementation I'm aware of. It is possible to use SIP libraries instead, but then changes in those libraries will be required since they don't implement IMS, and at that point, I feel like I prefer rewriting the code on my own.

martinetd commented 2 years ago

[ipsec in ipsec setup]

Ok, I had misunderstood; I thought simple ipsec setup only worked once which seemed odd.

Anyway this is really just for VoWifi, which isn't a priority

Agreed, my local carrier doesn't even seem to support VoWifi (at least with the stock rom the option is off)... Although I guess now I think about it, if that works I could use my French SIM again through a VPN instead of some shady SIP account that doesn't connect to $bank half the time... sosh does seem to support vowifi... Well, that's for later anyway, my priority is to get rid of new phone's stock rom for now.


hmm yeah I don't feel great trying to integrate such a big unmaintained service... I'd rather not reinvent the wheel (reimplementing SIP with all kind of codecs etc sounds like a pain we don't need to go through), but I can see where you come from. Let me have a fresh look and I'll come back to you here before implementing anything more than basic tests anyway. For a v0 just writing a notification that "'somenumber' tried to call!" would probably be enough for me...

And thanks for taking the time to answer and move this forward!

phhusson commented 2 years ago

Although I guess now I think about it, if that works I could use my French SIM again through a VPN instead of some shady SIP account that doesn't connect to $bank half the time... sosh does seem to support vowifi... Well, that's for later anyway, my priority is to get rid of new phone's stock rom for now.

Sosh is annoying because they whitelist devices, I'm still not sure based on what... Also they whitelist devices in a very weird way: Once a SIM is whitelisted by puting it into an approved device, the SIM remains valid for volte/vowifi for 7 days.

Anyway, if I remember correctly, on Sosh when you're not whitelisted, you don't even get an IMS data connection. So you can check that easily, click "create IMS APN" and check "Request IMS network", then reboot, and see if you see two data connection (one internet and one ims) in ip address

I'd rather not reinvent the wheel (reimplementing SIP with all kind of codecs etc sounds like a pain we don't need to go through), but I can see where you come from.

Well, with regards to codecs, the carrier I checked (SFR and bouygues IIRC?), PCM is supported, so no worries. And then, "later", I'd like to support EVS, which I'm pretty sure no SIP client support, sooo

Let me have a fresh look and I'll come back to you here before implementing anything more than basic tests anyway. For a v0 just writing a notification that "'somenumber' tried to call!" would probably be enough for me...

Well, that's totally doable. Run, ensure you managed to auth (on bouygues I need 3/4 tries to succeed, I have no idea why... I haven't tested on Orange much so I'm not sure), then call your number, and in logcat you should see the incoming SIP requests that tells you you're receiving a call.

With regards to SMS support, there is one "major" thing missing that I recall: when receiving an SMS, we need to ACK it to the network by sending a ACK SMS (and I'm not speaking of ACK as seen from user's point of view, it's really to the network). This is the same ACK as SMS over GSM (I didn't keep that specification...). Without that ACK, the SMS is sent over IMS, then the network sends it back out-of-IMS ("LTE NAS")

martinetd commented 2 years ago

(Just to be clear I'm not using sosh right now -- currently in Japan with UQ mobile as mvno. I'll try sosh through roaming later eventually if you'd like but I've never used volte at all with it back in France and SIM might not be compatible, and my old phone certainly isn't. I'll focus on UQ for now)

Follows mostly notes for myself, describing connection process with stock rom and highlighting differences I noticed between the that and what your test app does.

martinetd commented 2 years ago

Following up:

So, assuming I solve my two problems quickly (sending over right interface, actually receiving data back); how would you want to move forward? cleanup/breakdown our MainActivity.kt into a more flexible thing that can accommodate tcp/udp and various encryptions, so first split out some basic SIP sending wrapper/parsing (callbacks?) when we receive messages? I'm still extremely reluctant to implement the voice part (and honestly didn't take enough traces of when my phone was running the stock rom so I guess I'll be set to reflash it again...), but I can help lay foundations if you're willing to review... With a fair warning I'm a C dev so my kotlin might not look very natural at first.

phhusson commented 2 years ago

unlike your app, all messages are sent in UDP; I've just tried your app as tcp and while the connection does open the register gets no response, and connection closes after 30s. Didn't try sending UDP manually yet will do tomorrow, everything that follows is from rom traces and code inspection

Yeah that's indeed a discrepancy I saw too. I think I chose TCP based on traces I did with doubango, which defaults to TCP, but all other traces I've done were UDP. IMO UDP is more annoying to deal with, so if TCP works, I'd rather stick with it, but it's indeed something worth keeping in mind when possibly hitting carrier compatibiltiy issue.

not sure why it's repeated twice, bug? but means the client already knows what algorithm to use for ipsec for this provider so we'd need to make a mapping for each mnc/mcc ?

Theorically, that string can contain several crypto combos, and server answers which one to take. In practice, I've seen unhappy carriers already, so yes, the big mnc/mcc mapping will be required...

I see absolutely no ike handshake on tcpdump anywhere (-i any from phone), not sure if they happen through the modem somewhere I can't dump, if the handshake through the SIP exchanges was enough (spi-c/spi-s on each side) or if null encryption means it's optional?

Yes, there is no IKE. IKE is used only for ePDG (VoWifi). On mobile connectivity, IKE is replaced with SIP negotiation security-server/security-client/security-verify

digest nonce/challenge filled presumably with the SIM like you do, I couldn't trace how that's done in imsservice process... will find out when I try to reproduce tomorrow

You can see the computation for that in my code, but it's pretty much:

REGISTER is ok'd, follows a SUBSCRIBE (ok) then NOTIFY (also ok). You don't seem to bother with NOTIFY in your test app, not sure if it's useful at this point.

Welp, i already forgot about it. It's an outgoing NOTIFY, not incoming? What does it contain? Maybe it's SIP's "presence" part, where we notify the server that the user is "available"?

This all works in your code with my carrier as well

Yay \o/ Please do test TCP, I'd like to postpone that part of refactor as much as possible...

Question here if you know, I couldn't get the UDP packet to actually be sent on the right interface (rmnet1 in my case),

This is Android's magical mess for network, you can have each socket routed independently. In my case, I do network.bindSocket(serverSocketFd) so this socket is on the "ims" network rather than "internet" network. That API is pretty annoying to debug and use, because as you mention you need to bind on an IP, but then ALSO on a network, and then you need to bind the IPsec configuration, and you need to do it in the exact order to make everyone happy, etc... It took me many tries before getting my current working state (which doesn't really include ePDG).

I've spent almost 2 hours getting forbidden on the 2nd register, but after finding we weren't reusing the same callId as we should have been (along with many minor adjustments that probably weren't needed playing seven differences...) I've finally got a 200 OK (REGISTER)! tada

Ah. Oh. Thanks. Gotta admit, my learning of SIP is 95% checking captures so that kind of stuff got over my head.

on UDP the reply doesn't come back on the same port (using our portC/their portS to send, coming back from their portC to our portS) and I can't get this right in kotlin right now so can't continue after register (confirmed the OK through tcpdump), but at least there's progress. I'll probably get a kludgy text message implementation working over the next few days and can start thinking of what's next...

You mean you do see that the answer comes from their portC back to our portS in the trace, and it's that socket that you haven't got to work yet, right? Sounds like yet another reason to prefer TCP (and another reason UDP refactor will be horrible...)

cleanup/breakdown our MainActivity.kt into a more flexible thing that can accommodate tcp/udp and various encryptions, so first split out some basic SIP sending wrapper/parsing (callbacks?) when we receive messages? I'm still extremely reluctant to implement the voice part (and honestly didn't take enough traces of when my phone was running the stock rom so I guess I'll be set to reflash it again...), but I can help lay foundations if you're willing to review... With a fair warning I'm a C dev so my kotlin might not look very natural at first.

I don't have strong opinions on the order of refactoring things. I'd start with a SIP message parser that reads from the fd and outputs a class SipAnswer(returncode, map<string,string> headers,ByteArray data) and use it everywhere rather than my beautiful (not) regexes, then the reciprocal to send SipRequests, After that, it depends on whether you want to implement UDP. If that's the case, you'll need to make message queues to have sync-ish request/answer, and then put every kind of request in its own nice and tidy function. Except for refactoring, something that would be useful is to have the app expose settings, and actual "send sms" button, so that users can test on their own device and carrier.

With regards voice, I'll probably take a look on my own if you don't move too fast, but I think there is plenty of things to do.

martinetd commented 2 years ago


Well, it's a bit more annoying because it's a different way of thinking but deep down there's only a single difference (that is replies don't come on the same socket we sent stuff to), I don't think it's that much worse once bugs are fixed. tcp also has its complexity that you need to spawn threads to accept new connexions which isn't needed at all on UDP (replies matched with CSeq), and UDP doesn't need regular keepalives so is better for battery; I'd also just rather stick with the same as traces I see if I can get it to work (but I will test TCP for development, if it doesn't work it'll be a pain)


Sorry you're correct it came from carrier, and we need to ok it.

Ah. Oh. Thanks. Gotta admit, my learning of SIP is 95% checking captures so that kind of stuff got over my head.

Same here and it's also why I think it would have been worth using a lib -- this is all fairly well standardized from what I can see, even the security stuff in there, so we'll at least want to check specs. token length, cnonce length, call id format etc all seem arbitrary and are different from what you picked on my carrier and I've changed all this stuff to match before finding the callId changed, so we'll probably want to experiment and this and see just how much we need in the mnc/mcc option table...

source network and network.bind()

Ahah, I had the network.bind (only for service listen interface for you), what I was missing was the network.SocketFactory. I probably just need to make it ... network.DatagramSocketFactory or something... but that doesn't exist... oh well at least the documentation clearly states sockets made this way are sent on the right interface so this is it, I'll look a bit more. Thanks!

(EDIT: looks like I just can separate the bind out and use network.bind instead as you suggested, will test later™)


I'm currently thinking this level of abstraction

agreed app itself could also have some more flourish to allow easier tests/logs in UI; if sms integration is done there shouldn't need to be any test in app though as just normally sending a sms should use it? but app status should be obvious and some level of error/warning logs visible from app instead of logcat... I have no idea how UI stuff works so I'm leaving it for later.

just messages can be more or less replaced in place, but since I'll have probably broken things for you by fixing it for me this is probably going to be pretty destructive e.g. first commit that stashes all my test, then progressively adding messages, using them, adding network, using it, then finally restoring tcp code... well, I'll open draft PR as soon as I start working on messages anyway and we can move discussion there; that part is what you suggested so probably won't be too bad :)

martinetd commented 2 years ago

Today's progress:


Now I'm basically clueless about kotlin, so once I've got text messages working with udp for my device it'll be a few days of reading documentation, seeing how tests can be written etc. I'll probably post here at a quite lower rate unless I need help or want your opinion on something.

phhusson commented 2 years ago

With regards to kotlin usage, some notes:

martinetd commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the pointers, I'm thinking synchronous IO is probably good enough as well but that can change later anyway once we have the basics down. I'll also be very happy with functional programming style, no worry about that :) I've been reading up, kotlin looks quite better than java in that respect it's a good thing...

Going back to my fishes temporarily, I've got sms working; the 200 OK we're replying in the current version didn't work for me (had to add caller id) and I also added the second ack message reply so it seems to be working well enough... But this is also lacking some kind of keepalive, and I never got traces running long enough on the stock rom so I have no idea what they were doing to keep the tunnel awake :/ Do you happen to know what that looks like or have such traces? I'd rather not go back to stock rom at this point but if I'll need to might as well do it now before I'm done finishing reconfiguring the phone...

Right now when I now a confirmation code text is coming I can turn the ims app on afterwards and still get the message so it's sort of good enough, but we're going to need to do better.

I'll get started on refactoring now anyway, will open PR for early comments in a few days even if it's not ready.

phhusson commented 2 years ago

I have no traces of keep alives, but it's pretty easy for me to get traces, so i'll check.

phhusson commented 2 years ago

Can you give me a mail address I can send you my pcap to?

phhusson commented 2 years ago

pcaps sent. It is made from an official Mediatek IMS stack

Some observations:

martinetd commented 2 years ago


Direct replies:

One more thing, the mediatek stack seems to never close any connection; in me.phh.ims we're polite and close sockets when we're done using them but here the re-registers re-use the same connection, and the re-notify comes back from the same previously accepted connection. I believe this behaviour would work better for my provider as closing connection was the reason I couldn't accept it again. (reusing same source/destination port messes up conntrack). Let's stop closing things.

phhusson commented 2 years ago

With regards to re-doing register/subscribe/notify, one thing to note is that it's not the same register as the first one. The "re-connect" register's URI is the server's Contact, also the client sends its previous P-Preferred-Identity. Call-Id remains the same, cseq is incremented. I'm not sure if you see anything else

BTW, I don't report P-Access-Network-Info (I was too lazy to find its value). So far no operator complained, but some might.

phhusson commented 2 years ago

Wait no that's wrong. REGISTER still does sip:ims.mnc.mcc....., but SUBSCRIBE moves from sip:phonenumber@ims.mnc.mcc.... in first SUBSCRIBE, to server's Contact in subsequent SUBSCRIBEs

martinetd commented 2 years ago

I'm lazy, so I've done extra work... Here's a script that uses tshark -T json / jq to output one message per file:


error() {
    printf "%s\n" "$@" >&2
    exit 1

for input; do
    [ "$dir" = "$input" ] && error "$input expected to end in pcap"
    [ -e "$dir" ] && continue
    mkdir "$dir"
    tshark -r "$input" -V -T json |
        ./jq-script -c |
        while read -r json; do
            file=$(echo "$json" | jq -r .filename)
            echo "$file"
            echo "$json" | jq -r .sip > "$dir/$file"

with ./jq-script:

#!/usr/bin/jq -f

.[] | ._source.layers | select(.sip) | {
    "epoch": .frame."frame.time_epoch",
    "ipv6_src": .ipv6."ipv6.src",
    "ipv6_dst": .ipv6."ipv6.dst",
    "esp_spi": .esp."esp.spi",
    "udp_srcport": .udp."udp.srcport",
    "udp_dstport": .udp."udp.dstport", 
    "tcp_srcport": .tcp."tcp.srcport",
    "tcp_dstport": .tcp."tcp.dstport", 
    "sip_firstline": (.sip."sip.Request-Line" + .sip."sip.Status-Line"),
    "sip_method": .sip."sip.Request-Line_tree"."sip.Method",
    "sip_code": .sip."sip.Status-Line_tree"."sip.Status-Code",
    "sip_cseq": .sip."sip.msg_hdr_tree"."sip.CSeq",
    "sip_msg_hdr": .sip."sip.msg_hdr",
    "sip_body": (if .raw_sip."raw_sip.line" != "  " then .raw_sip."raw_sip.line" else null end)
} |
    "filename": (.epoch + "_" + (.sip_cseq | gsub(" "; "_")) + "_" +
        (if .sip_method then
        end) + 
        "_" + .ipv6_src + "_" + .ipv6_dst +
        (if .esp_spi then
            "_esp_" + .esp_spi
        else null end) +
        (if .udp_srcport then
            "_udp_" + .udp_srcport + "_" + .udp_dstport
            "_tcp_" + .tcp_srcport + "_" + .tcp_dstport
    "sip": (.sip_firstline + "\r\n" + .sip_msg_hdr + .sip_body)

It's very ugly, but it does the job, and I can just diff *_1_REGISTER_REGISTER* with *_2_REGISTER_REGISTER* or similar :-D

(who said overkill?)

Anyway, differences for REGISTER

Difference for SUBSCRIBE:

Reply to NOTIFY seems straightforward as it's just copying stuff from request.

Bonus: in your trace, there was a first REGISTER with the previous session when you restarted ims? that one has Expire: 0 instead of the normal 600000s... So it actively told the server that it's going away, we might want to be polite and do the same.

All in all it doesn't look so bad. I wonder why they send such a long Expire time if they're going to re-register anyway, but we can probably mimic it...

phhusson commented 2 years ago

Bug seen in the wild on Vodaphone idea(VI):

If we send: Security-Client: ipsec-3gpp;prot=esp;mod=trans;spi-c=411571743;spi-s=411571744;port-c=56655;port-s=56656;ealg=null;alg=hmac-sha-1-96

SIP server answers with: Security-Server: ipsec-3gpp;q=0.92;alg=hmac-sha-1-96;mod=trans;ealg=des-ede3-cbc,ipsec-3gpp;q=0.93;alg=hmac-md5-96;mod=trans;ealg=aes-cbc,ipsec-3gpp;q=0.94;alg=hmac-sha-1-96;mod=trans;ealg=aes-cbc,ipsec-3gpp;q=0.96;alg=hmac-md5-96;mod=trans;ealg=des-ede3-cbc,ipsec-3gpp;q=0.98;alg=hmac-md5-96;mod=trans,ipsec-3gpp;q=0.99;alg=hmac-sha-1-96;mod=trans;spi-c=394082394;spi-s=395718167;port-c=6052;port-s=6060

It does contain ealg=aes-cbc in the possibilities, even though the decision is ealg=null (higher q, and only one that matches our request). However the current code just does a str.contains("aes-cbc"), which will result here in true, so we switch to aes-cbc encryption, while the server expects ealg=null

martinetd commented 2 years ago

I guess that means we should do the headers splitting properly in SipMessages soonish then, that'll be easy to fix if we can have it in a list properly (sortedBy {["q"]?.toFloat() } or something like that)... Probably not worth implementing a dirty fix at this point.

Are there actually people already using this app yet? (read: how much do we actually want to hurry? I said I'd just use my new types in MainActivity.kt but looking at it again I preferred to start right away with a SipNetwork/SipManager to clean it all up at the same time, but that'll probably take me the whole week -- if it's useful to just fix this I can do the switch in MainActivity first and we can get that intermediate version merged faster)

phhusson commented 2 years ago

I guess that means we should do the headers splitting properly in SipMessages soonish then, that'll be easy to fix if we can have it in a list properly (sortedBy {["q"]?.toFloat() } or something like that)... Probably not worth implementing a dirty fix at this point.

At the moment we're only sending one Security-Client configuration, so we can just do the .contains() on the security-client rather than the security-server, it's not like the hack takes any more time than me saying it out loud

Are there actually people already using this app yet?

Nope. I'm just having the impatient people contribute a bit by testing it on their network.

how much do we actually want to hurry?

Well people have been waiting for ims on Samsung for multiple years now, and yet they are still very impatient when I'm telling them I'm working on it, and almost angry when i tell them it will take at least one year, soo let's just ignore them, and do it at whatever pace we want.

that'll probably take me the whole week

One week is totally fine, no worries.

phhusson commented 2 years ago

Additionally, still on "Vodaphone idea(IV)", both sip and tel P-Associated-URI are sent on the same line, rather than two lines: 05-16 12:50:56.363 26900 26926 D PHH : IPSEC Received < P-Associated-URI: <>,<tel:+9188YYYYXXXX>

martinetd commented 2 years ago

Well people have been waiting for ims on Samsung for multiple years now, and yet they are still very impatient when I'm telling them I'm working on it, and almost angry when i tell them it will take at least one year, soo let's just ignore them, and do it at whatever pace we want.

Yeah, when I was reading about it it didn't look like a new problem, yet absolutely no-one actually willing to put in any work... :/ (edit: to clarify, lots of loud voices of people complaining it doesn't work for little actual effort. I was very glad to see you started this!) Oh well, we'll get here eventually :)

both sip and tel P-Associated-URI are sent on the same line

Ok, that shouldn't make a difference in My Grand Plans -- we'll be splitting these in two items in the p-associated-uri list.

martinetd commented 2 years ago

With the patches I just pushed we should now be handling both 'q=' for security-server and p-associated-uri on a single line if he'd like to try

muralivijay commented 2 years ago

@martinetd i have i tried to implement above you said the imsd , libims-sec,and some ims services apk and its shared libs

here my commits

Also shim the

Also lots of framework shared javas of imsservice.apk

vsimmanager.jar, secimshttpclient.jar, EpdgManager.jar, sercsapi.jar, ssrm.jar, samsung-services.jar, org.simalliance.openmobileapi.jar ,svemanager.jar

by checking logcat . then finally end-up with missing java lib called "" .

E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/imsmanager.jar", zip file "/system/framework/rcsopenapi.jar", zip file "/system/framework/EpdgManager.jar", zip file "/system/framework/secimshttpclient.jar", zip file "/system/framework/vsimmanager.jar", zip file "/system/framework/sercsapi.jar", zip file "/system/priv-app/imsservice/imsservice.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/system/priv-app/imsservice/lib/arm, /system/priv-app/imsservice/imsservice.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]]

i can,t find it in any frameworks. also its csc related framework. required imsservice provisoning you can find it on /system/csc/others.xml

but when run imsd in terminal here its log

j7eltexx:/ # imsd INFO | RESIP | Security.cxx:987 | BaseSecurity::BaseSecurity INFO | RESIP | Security.cxx:998 | USE_BORING_SSL Initialize TLS_method INFO | RESIP | FdPoll.cxx:881 | epollcreate INFO | RESIP:DNS | AresDns.cxx:394 | DNS initialization: using c-ares v1.10.0 INFO | RESIP:DNS | AresDns.cxx:403 | DNS initialization: found 1 name servers INFO | RESIP:DNS | AresDns.cxx:409 | name server: INFO | RESIP | Compression.cxx:44 | COMPRESSION SUPPORT NOT COMPILED IN INFO | RESIP | Compression.cxx:47 | Compression configuration object created; algorithm = 0 INFO | RESIP:TRANSPORT | TransportSelector.cxx:100 | No compression library available INFO | RESIP:DNS | DnsUtil.cxx:170 | local hostname does not contain a domain part localhost INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: CONFIG-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: REGI-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: CALL-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: CALL-SESSION(7) INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: CALL-SESSION(8) INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: CALL-SESSION(9) INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: CALL-SESSION(20) INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: IM-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: OPTIONS-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: OUT-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: IMSSMS-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: SS-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: SUPPLEMENT-SESSION INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: ALM-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: EUC-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: KA-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: PRESENCE-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: ISH-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: XQ-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: DNS-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: VSH-MGR INFO | RESIP:TRANSACTION | TuSelector.cxx:190 | register: VZWSIPDIALOG-MGR INFO | RESIP | StackThread.cxx:31 | StackThread wait time to select:1412290717 INFO | RESIP | SipStack.cxx:265 | Shutting down sip stack 0xf6b339a8 INFO | RESIP | StackThread.cxx:33 | StackThread start to process. WARNING | RESIP | StackThread.cxx:53 | Shutting down stack thread INFO | RESIP | SipStack.cxx:208 | SipStack::~SipStack() INFO | RESIP | Security.cxx:1055 | BaseSecurity::~BaseSecurity INFO | RESIP | FdPoll.cxx:642 | delPollItem fd=8 CRIT | RESIP | FdPoll.cxx:551 | FdPollItem idx=12 not deleted prior to destruction

if the imssevice.apk will not crash when ims will work in samsung . i think

martinetd commented 2 years ago

if the imssevice.apk will not crash when ims will work in samsung . i think

Yes, samsung has just been doing too many changes to android itself to accomodate their service -- we stopped this approach.

We (well, mostly phh) have SIP registration working on and I'm working on cleaning this up right now -- there isn't much beyond registration (you can get text messages immediately after registering, no voice) but once the base is solid the plan is to finish making SMS work and then start with voice. It'll take a while longer but I think time would be better spent on this than trying to copy what samsung did, if you can program a bit please give a review and test :)

My next step is adding a new layer to handle some of the network steps (initial setup, keepalives and some sort of generic request/response API to hide tcp/udp differences), but if you'd like to actually do something there is plenty to do that could be done in parallel:

muralivijay commented 2 years ago

@martinetd I Have tried your refactor branch and main . both are stuck at requesting Ims network . how to fix it ? my network is jio and Vi


martinetd commented 2 years ago

@muralivijay please open an issue in ims repo with logcat messages (grep PHH); that means the APN cannot be setup but there might be infos why in there.