philcallister / ticker-elixir

Elixir OTP Stock Quotes App (IEX Group) | Current Branch: elixir_1.8_iex
MIT License
70 stars 4 forks source link
elixir iex-group iex-trading iextrading otp

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ticker-elixir is an example Elixir OTP app which periodically pulls quotes for configured symbols. In this example, quotes are pulled from the defunct, but still available, Google Finance API. Additiionly, quotes can be simulated (the current default). Retrieved quotes are stored within individual symbol GenServers. These quotes are then rolled up into time-frame intervals using ETS tables, stored within additional GenServers, all supervised by OTP.

To broadcast quote/time-frame information, callbacks can be configured to notify of updates. These callbacks are how the ticker-phoenix application captures quotes/time-frames and publishes them to Phoenix channels.

While currently not implemented at this time, it might be interesting to build an adapter layer to configure this OTP app to consume different quote endpoints. Obviously, Google Finance is just a very simple example, but there's no reason why professional quality feeds couldn't be consumed.

A HUGE missing piece to this puzzle is that historical data is currently only stored within ETS. The 2nd phase will be to wire this into Cassandra, a perfect solution for time-based historical data. Stay tuned!

To see the ticker-elixir app in action, head over to

To run the three apps togther, follow the startup instructions for both ticker-phoenix & ticker-react. This app, ticker-elixir, will be included within ticker-phoenix

Example screenshot of the three applications being used together

Stock Ticker


The sample was developed using the following

Note: Pull the elixir_1.4 branch to use Elixir 1.4. This branch also includes an update to use the Elixir 1.4 Registry in place of gproc :+1:


Clone Repo

git clone


mix deps.get
mix deps.compile

Run It

Start the server

mix ticker.server

OR within iex

iex -S mix ticker.server

Installation within OTP app

  1. Add ticker to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

    def deps do
        [{:ticker, git: ""}]
  2. Ensure ticker is started before your application:

    def application do
        [applications: [:ticker]]


MIT License

Free Software, Hell Yeah!