philgyford / foursquare-feeds

A python script for generating an iCal feed from your Foursquare checkins
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Foursquare Feeds

A python script that will generate iCal (.ics) or KML files of your checkins on Foursquare/Swarm.

If you set it up to save the iCal file to a publicly-visible location on a webserver, and run the script regularly, you can subscribe to the feed in your favourite calendar application.

A KML file can be loaded into a mapping application (such as Google Earth or Maps) to view the checkins on a map.

Foursquare used to have such feeds but they've stopped working for me. I wrote a bit about this.


This should work with python 3.5+.

1. Make a Foursquare app

Go to and create a new App.

2. Install python requirements

Either using pipenv:

$ pipenv install

or pip:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Set up config file

Copy config_example.ini to config.ini.

Change the IcsFilepath and KmlFilepath to wherever you want your files to be saved.

To get the AccessToken for your Foursquare app, you will have to go through the sometimes laborious procedure in step 4...

4. Get an access token

There are two ways to do this: (A) The quick way, using a third-party website or (B) the slow way, on the command line. Use (A) unless the website isn't working.

(A) The quick way

Go to and follow the link to log in with Foursquare.

Accept the permissions, and then copy the long code, which is your Access Token, into your config.ini.

That's it. Thanks to Simon Willison for that.

(B) The slow way

On, in your app, set the Redirect URI to http://localhost:8000/

In a terminal window, open a python shell:

$ python

and, using your app's Client ID and Client Secret in place of YOUR_CLIENT_ID and YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET enter this:

import foursquare
client = foursquare.Foursquare(client_id='YOUR_CLIENT_ID' client_secret='YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET', redirect_uri='http://localhost:8000')

This will output something like:


Copy the URL from your terminal without the surrounding quotes and paste it into a web browser.

Your browser should redirect to a URL like the one below, with an error about not being able to connect to the server (unless you have a webserver running locally on your machine):


Copy the code represented by XX_CODE_RETURNED_IN_REDIRECT_XX (note that there may be an extra #_=_ on the end which you should not copy).

Back in your python shell, with that code, enter this, replacing XX_CODE_RETURNED_IN_REDIRECT_XX with the code you just copied:


This will output another long code, which is your Access Token.

Enter this in your config.ini.

Run the script

Generate a .ics file:

$ ./

This should create an .ics file containing up to 250 of your most recent checkins (see --all argument below to get more).

If the file is generated in a location on your website that's publicly-visible, you should be able to subscribe to it from a calendar application. Then run the script periodically to have it update.

Note that the file might contain private checkins or information you don't want to be public. In which case, it's probably best to make the name of any such publicly-readable file very obscure.

To generate a .kml file, see the kind option below.

Script options


By default the script only fetches the most recent 250 checkins. To fetch ALL checkins add the --all flag:

$ ./ --all

Depending on how many checkins you have you might only want to run it with --all the first time and, once that's imported into a calendar application, subsequently only fetch recent checkins.

-k or --kind

By default the script generates an iCal .ics file. Or, use this option to specify an .ics file or a .kml file:

$ ./ -k ics
$ ./ -k kml
$ ./ --kind=ics
$ ./ --kind=kml

-v or --verbose

By default the script will only output text if something goes wrong. To get brief output use -v or --verbose:

$ ./ -v
Fetched 250 checkins from the API
Generated calendar file ./mycalendar.ics

If fetching --all checkins then increasing the verbosity with another -v will show more info than the above:

$ ./ -vv --all
5746 checkins to fetch
Fetched checkins 1-250
Fetched checkins 251-500
Fetched checkins 5501-5750
Fetched 5744 checkins from the API
Generated calendar file ./mycalendar.ics

(No I don't know why it fetched 2 fewer checkins than it says I have.)


By Phil Gyford