A multi-platform photo booth software using Electron and your camera
![photo booth image from The Verge](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/gkbHIytNYvEPwbLLVxmVuTA5cjM=/1600x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/9062729/akrales_170815_1889_0006.jpg) (Source: The Verge, accessed 08 March 2018)
This repository is no longer under active maintainance.
Simply connect your camera via USB or even via wifi to the computer running this application, for example a Raspberry Pi. The app shows a countdown by clicking at the screen (or tapping at a touchscreen), triggers your camera to take a photo, downloads it from your camera, shrinks it to a smaller size and displays it on the screen. First in fullscreen, then added to a gallery of previous taken photos.
photo-booth also provides a web application by running a webserver. Every newly taken photo gets immediately pushed to the webapp. From there it's easy for your guests to download their photos. There's also the option to leave a contact address for sending the photos afterwards. Creating GIF animations and printing out selected photos are also possible through the web application. You only have to provide a Wi-Fi hotspot and a printer (optional for printing feature).
Because of the use of gphoto2
and cups
it works with nearly any camera or printer like plug and play.
To clone and run this repository you'll need Git, Node.js, gphoto2 and CUPS installed.
Before getting started please check here if the hardware you want to use is supported. I tested photo-booth under Ubuntu Linux (64bit), MacOS and Raspbian (Raspberry Pi 3, ARM). Anyway, the documentation here will be focused on Linux based systems.
Also check here if your camera is supported (at least Image Capture should be available). Please also note, that only the JPEG-mode of your camera is currently supported (no RAW or RAW+JPEG).
Raspbian STRETCH (with desktop):
# Install needed dependencies
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git libxss-dev libgconf-2-4 libnss3
# Install latest version of libgphoto2, choose last stable release
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gonzalo/gphoto2-updater/master/gphoto2-updater.sh && sudo bash gphoto2-updater.sh
# If you are using a Raspberry Pi > 1: Activate hardware acceleration
sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dri
sudo su -c 'grep -q -F "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d" /boot/config.txt || echo "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d" >> /boot/config.txt'
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/philipptrenz/photo-booth.git && cd photo-booth
# Make the Node installation script executable
sudo chmod +x ./scripts/install_node_v9.sh
# Install node
sudo ./scripts/install_node_v9.sh
# Install (you can do this later if you want to add a printer to use the printing feature)
npm install
To run photo-booth the following command should do it. To run the webapp on port 80 and for the usage of GPIO pins at the Raspberry Pi root privileges are required.
WORKAROUND FOR RASPBERRY PI 3 if Photo-Booth stays black
export LD_PRELOAD=node_modules/sharp/vendor/lib/libz.so
Important: The command needs to be run from a terminal on the GUI, executing via SSH will most likely fail!
sudo npm start
Basically, it's not a good idea to run a web server as root, if you do not need GPIOs consider setting up a redirect from port 80 to 8080 on your system. That can be achieved by a iptables rule for example. Then you can start photo-booth with
npm start
HINT: The little linux tool unclutter
can hide the cursor.
To start photo-booth on boot add the following line at the end of /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
@sudo node /home/pi/photo-booth/scripts/cli.js
There are a few settings and options that you should take a look at.
The project includes a config.json file. There you can set several parameters, e.g. to start in fullscreen or not or if you want to keep your taken photos on your camera.
It looks like this:
"language": "en",
"init": {
"fullscreen": true,
"width": "1440",
"height": "900",
"showDevTools": false,
"useGPIO": false,
"grayscaleMode": true,
"preventScreensaver": false
"maxImageSize": 1500,
"countdownLength": 5,
"slideshow": {
"enabled": true,
"activatesAfterSeconds": 30,
"secondsPerImages": 8
"gphoto2": {
"capturetarget": 1,
"keep": true,
"simulate": false
"content_dir": null,
"webapp": {
"password": "test",
"maxDownloadImageSize": 800,
"gifDelay": 1000,
"enableRemoteRelease": true,
"contactAddressType": "email"
"printing": {
"enabled": false,
"simulate": false,
"printer": "printer-name",
"limitPerUser": 0,
"overlay": {
"image": "overlay.png",
"x": "right",
"y": "bottom"
"grayscale": true,
"layouts": []
"live": {
"framerate": 10
"branding": {
"type": "text",
"content": "<div style='font-size: 1.2em; padding-left: 25px;'><i class='fa fa-wifi' aria-hidden='true' style='font-size: 2.5em;'></i> <b style='font-size: 2em; padding-left: 15px;'>photo-booth</b><br /><p>Log into wifi, browse to <b style='padding: 0 5px;'>photo.app</b> and download your photos!</p></div>",
"position": "bottomleft"
"flash": {
"enabled": true
Best way to modify the config.json
is by copying it to my.config.json
, photo-booth will prefer the latter one:
cp config.json my.config.json
Some notes:
gphoto2 --get-config=capturetarget
, then choose something should named sd card or so. This should be your first try if a photo gets taken, but it won't show up at the screen.keep
to true
is set to enabled
a white page will be shown as a flash after completing the countdowngphoto2.simulate = true
when you want to test your setup without an active camera connectionwebapp.contactAddressType
defines what kind of address types are supported inside the webapp. Supported values are none
(feature disabled), email
(email validation) and text
(no input validation).As mentioned above photo-booth has a built in web page where images can be downloaded, gif animations can be created and images can be printed.
For an easy way to use it, start a open wifi hotspot on the computer photo-booth runs on. If you use a Raspberry Pi, there're enough tutorials out there to figure it out (i.e. here). Then connect your device, e.g. a smartphone, with the wifi, open your browser and type in the ip address of the Pi. More elegant is it to configure a DNS redirect so the users can type in a web address like "photo.app", therefore I use dnsmasq
which is also configured as DHCP server.
You can connect a physical push button to the GPIO Pins of your Pi to trigger photos!
Therefore activate the GPIOs by setting "useGPIO": true
in config.json. Then connect the first port of the push button to the ground pin of your Pi, second to GPIO 3 (PIN 5) and to a resistor of about 10k-100kΩ, the other end of the resistor to 3.3V (e.g. PIN 1). That's all!
Make sure you run the application as root (sudo npm start
), GPIOs need root privileges.
_______RASPBERRY PI_______
|----3.3V---●o |
~50kΩ → ▯ oo |
|----GPIO3--●o |
[-\ oo |
\------GND---●o |
oo |
oo |
oo |
oo |
oo |
oo |
oo |
oo |
photo-booth also supports image printing with configurable layouts. For this feature to work you need a supported printer, install additional software and configure the layouts individually.
Run the following scripts:
sudo apt-get update
# Install additional libraries for collage creation
sudo apt-get install libpixman-1-dev
sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev libjpeg-dev libgif-dev
sudo apt-get install libpango1.0-dev
# Install cups
sudo apt-get install cups
# Install cups-config (needed for node-printer)
sudo apt-get install libcups2-dev
# Change user (adjust pi, if you have changed this)
sudo usermod -a -G lpadmin pi
# Install optional node modules
cd photo-booth
npm install
cd helpers/collage
npm install
Check if the printer is enabled and is accepting jobs. This can be done using the UI or with the following commands:
# Check state
lpstat -p
# Enable if the printer is disabled
cupsenable printer-name
(or my.config.json
) under the section printing
to true
to true
if you only want to test the image generationprinter
to the printer name you configured during the installation processlimitPerUser
if you want to limit the printouts per person. 0 means no limit and with the webapp password you always have unlimited printouts.grayscale
if you want to print only grayscale images (seperate config only for printing feature) - Warning: The grayscale feature does not work for larger DPI values.overlay
to add a image to each printout. Be sure that it matches all your layouts (eg. 2x2 layout with spacing won't match with an overlay in the same color as the background color) and also consider that not all placehoders must be occupied (eg. do not use the background color in the overlay image)layouts
. You can add multiple layouts (the user can select the desired layout from within the web application). A sample layout looks like this:
"key": "selphy_2x2",
"options": {
"dpi": 300,
"width": 2,
"height": 2,
"imageWidth": 868,
"imageHeight": 577,
"backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
"spacing": {
"top": 8,
"left": 0,
"bottom": 8,
"right": 1,
"betweenImages": 11
100 x 148 mm
and a resolution of 300 x 300dpi
(eg. 1181 x 1748 px
which results in a width to height factor of 1.5056...
, which should already be quiet good for most portable low quality printerstop
, left
, bottom
and right
) and between two individual images (betweenImages
).Please note that there are several devices which are not supported by photo-booth.
As Electron, the main framework, besides ia32 (i686) and x64 (amd64) only supports the ARM v7 architecture (and ARM v8 as it is backwards compatible), several ARM devices are not supported. Further information can be found here. The following ARM devices among others can not be supported:
Also some other DSLR and Compact Cameras are not supported. Please check for your specific model here.
If you have any problems, start reading here. If you do not find anything, check under Issues, if someone else already had a similar problem. If you still have no solution, open a new issue.
Hit the Escape key to exit the fullscreen mode, then you can close the app.
Go to config.json
and change grayscaleMode
to false
This may be related to wrong capture target settings. Run gphoto2 --get-config capturetarget
from the console, the output looks something like this:
Label: Capture Target
Current: Internal RAM
Choice: 0 Memory card
Choice: 1 Internal RAM
Identify the number of the memory card and change the captureTarget
property in config.json
It seems to be an old known problem with gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor module. For reference read here.
sudo rm /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.gtk.vfs.GPhoto2VolumeMonitor.service
sudo rm /usr/share/gvfs/mounts/gphoto2.mount
sudo rm /usr/share/gvfs/remote-volume-monitors/gphoto2.monitor
sudo rm /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor
The project got featured at The Verge, incredible! Also take a look at the video they made at Facebook!
An article was also published in the blog of my degree course (in German).
partyblitzer published a post on his blog and a video on YouTube using this software for his DIY photo booth setup.