philschatz / atom-pull-requests

:octocat: View/Edit comments on a Pull Request directly inside the Atom Editor
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Prevents atom theme switch on the fly #10

Open dac09 opened 8 years ago

dac09 commented 8 years ago


Thanks for creating this - I haven't gotten it to work yet with PRs on private repos (I did add the github key) - but I found a different issue.

Unfortunately I don't really have any logs to attach (no errors thrown) But after pain-stakingly disabling each package, I found that this package some how stops atom from changing themes without a restart. It also seems to block enable/disable of packages. i.e. You change the theme / disable some package, then need to reload the window to see the change.

Atom version 1.6.2, here's by list of installed packages adventurous-syntax@0.2.0 angularjs-snippets@0.10.18 apathy-theme@1.10.3 atom-beautify@0.29.0 atom-jasmine@0.8.1 atom-material-syntax@0.4.5 atom-material-ui@1.2.10 auto-reveal-in-sidebar@0.8.0 block-comment@0.4.3 compare-files@0.6.2 copy-as-rtf@0.9.3 docblockr@0.7.3 duotone-light-blue-syntax@1.0.1 editorconfig@1.2.4 electron-light-syntax@1.2.0 emmet@2.4.3 file-icons@1.7.0 firewatch-syntax@1.0.1 flatten-json@0.1.4 fonts@1.2.0 forest-syntax@1.8.0 gherkin-snippets@0.3.0 git-control@0.7.1 git-plus@5.13.4 git-time-machine@1.4.1 gruvbox@1.0.5 gulp-task-launcher@1.4.12 idiomatic-dark-syntax@0.1.3 jscs-fixer@1.0.2 json-path-finder@0.1.8 language-babel@2.17.0 language-docker@1.1.6 language-gherkin@1.0.3 language-log@1.4.0 last-cursor-position@0.9.0 linter@1.11.4 linter-eslint@7.1.3 linter-jscs@3.4.10 linter-xmllint@1.3.4 merge-conflicts@1.3.7 motepair@0.21.0 no-caffeine-syntax@0.17.2 nucleus-dark-ui@0.7.16 open-in-browser@0.4.6 pane-split-moves-tab@0.0.3 pigments@0.26.0 plain-2-jasmine@0.2.0 polaris-syntax@0.1.0 project-plus@0.8.0 project-switcher@0.3.0 pull-requests@0.0.19 react-es6-snippets@0.3.0 run-in-atom@1.0.4 seti-icons@0.4.5 seti-ui@0.9.2 spacegray-atom-dark-syntax@1.1.1 synced-sidebar@0.4.3 tabs-to-spaces@1.0.2 theme-switch@0.3.5 todo-show@1.4.0 toggle-packages@1.1.0 toggle-quotes@1.0.0


philschatz commented 8 years ago

Thanks for reporting! Is the private repository hosted on or using GitHub Enterprise?

Also, the theme-changing requiring a restart may be because the tree-view package does not have a nice way to add icons (the blue comment icon plus the number of comments) on its own so I had to manually add them in.

It is a hacky solution, so I created which makes it so any plugin can add additional icons but it looks like it may take a while to get merged (feel free to comment on the PR to help get it in faster :smile: )

dac09 commented 8 years ago


It's a private repository on - originally I had a remote called upstream setup as this issue mentions:

Just tried it with with a pull request to origin - seems to show indicators on the tree-view ( but nothing on the code itself.

Thanks, Danny

_Update: _ Looks like if you have the file open, and reload atom, it shows up with the comments on the gutter. I've seen this behaviour happen with If you don't have the file open when the editor loads, comments don't show up.