philschatz / atom-pull-requests

:octocat: View/Edit comments on a Pull Request directly inside the Atom Editor
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atom atom-editor pull-requests

pull-requests package for Atom gh-board

View/Edit comments on a Pull Request directly inside the Atom Editor.


Annoyed when someone litters your elegant code with "comments", and "suggestions"? and then you have to sift through all the files in your text editor to find the right place? Fear no more!


GitHub restricts talking to their API. You can view public repositories without having to authenticate against GitHub but will be limited to 60 requests per hour.

If you want to look at private repositories or are requesting more than 60 times per hour, you can create a token at and set that in the plugin config.


Atom API Suggestions

atom-community/linter suggestions


For private repositories you need to create a token @ github:

  1. Go to and create a new token
  2. Open your config.cson
  3. Add this snippet (replacing 'my-git-token' with the token you created
    githubAuthorizationToken: "my-git-token"