philschmid / clipper.js

HTML to Markdown converter and crawler.
Apache License 2.0
479 stars 32 forks source link
crawl html-to-markdown markdown nlp retrieval-augmented-generation search


Clipper is a Node.js command line tool that allows you to easily clip content from web pages and convert it to Markdown. It uses Mozilla's Readability library and Turndown under the hood to parse web page content and convert it to Markdown.

Clipper provides a quick and simple way to save bits of content from the web for personal archival or note taking purposes, similar to browser extensions like Evernote Web Clipper or Notion Web Clipper. However, Clipper runs entirely in the terminal so you don't need to install any extensions or sign up for accounts.

HTML Markdown
Screenshot of HTMl Screenshot of Markdown


npm install -g @philschmid/clipper

note: for crawling you need playwright and the browser dependencies.





  1. Clip content from a URL:
clipper clip -u <url>
  1. Clip content from a file:
clipper clip -i <file>
  1. Clip content from a directory, convert a directory of HTML files to a jsonl file:
clipper clip -i <directory> -f json -o dataset.jsonl


Only use this command if you know what you're doing. Crawling websites can be resource intensive and may cause issues for the website owner. Use at your own risk.



Crawl a site and clip all pages:

clipper crawl -u <url>

Results will be saved in dataset.jsonl file in the current directory.

Alternative use cases

Convert PDF to Markdown

If you want to convert a PDF to Markdown you can use poppler to convert the PDF to HTML and then use Clipper to convert the HTML to Markdown.

pdftohtml -c -s -noframes test.pdf test.html
clipper clip -i test.html

Local Development

Clipper uses the following open source libraries:


Release to npm

  1. Remove old build files with rm -rf dist
  2. Update the version in package.json if minor or major version
  3. Run npm run build
  4. Run npm publish --access public
  5. Create a new release on GitHub
  6. Update the version in package.json to the next patch version