phindle / error-lens

Visual Studio Code extension which enhances the display of errors and warnings.
MIT License
89 stars 40 forks source link

ErrorLens README

Welcome to ErrorLens.

ErrorLens enhances Visual Studio Code's inbuilt diagnostic highlighting. Visual Studio Code's default behavior is to underline errors and warnings and other diagnostic messages using a 'squiggly underline'. Whilst this is certainly useful, the underline visual effect is subtle, and therefore can be easily overlooked in a busy file.

ErrorLens turbo-charges the language diagnostic features, by making diagnostics stand out more prominently, highlighting the entire line wherever a diagnostic is generated by the language and also prints the diagnostic message(s) in-line at the site of the line of code which is generating the diagnostic.

ErrorLens example

Deprecation Note

Error Lens was originally conceived and developed by Phil Hindle.

I no longer maintain this extension. A fork of this repo has been developed greatly since I stopped working on this in 2019. I recommend installing Alexander's fork of this extension from (Repo URL for the extension is:



Built using Visual Studio Code 1.31.

Tested on Windows 10 (64-bit), Linux Mint & OSX 10.13.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

Extension Commands

This extension contributes the following commands:

Contributing & contacting the author

The project is hosted on Github at: Please submit suggestions, bug reports, Pull Requests and so on here.

I'm occasionally on Twitter @GeekyMcGeekface

Known Issues

None known.

Release Notes

Please refer to for more details.


Second release of ErrorLens (February 2019).

NOTE: Configuration property errorLens.errorMsgPrefix has been removed. The reason is that this was somewhat unnecessary, and just added noise to the annotations. (cf.


Initial release of ErrorLens (October 2018)