phinze / puppet-sudoers

puppet module for managing sudoers
MIT License
8 stars 9 forks source link


Puppet module for creating sudoers user specifications

Build Status


Using the Puppet Module Tool:

$ puppet module install phinze/sudoers

As a git submodule:

$ git submodule add modules/sudoers


The following puppet declaration:

sudoers::allowed_command{ "acme":
  command          => "/usr/sbin/service",
  user             => "acme",
  require_password => false,
  comment          => "Allows access to the service command for the acme user"

Creates the file:

# /etc/sudoers.d/acme
acme ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service

As user 'acme' you can now run the service command without a password, eg:

$ sudo service rsyslog restart


The allowed_command type takes the following options (with defaults in brackets):

[*command*]               - the command you want to give access to, eg. '/usr/sbin/service'
[*filename*]              - the name of the file to be placed in /etc/sudoers.d/ ($title)
[*host*]                  - hosts which can run command (ALL)
[*run_as*]                - user to run the command as (root)
[*user*]                  - user to give access to
[*group*]                 - group to give access to
[*require_password*]      - require user to give password, setting to false sets 'NOPASSWD:' (true)
[*comment*]               - comment to add to the file
[*allowed_env_variables*] - allowed list of env variables ([])
[*require_exist*]         - Require the Group or User to exist. Setting this to false for example is needed if the user groups come from Active Directory. (true)
[*no_tty*]                - remove default tty requirement (false)