phloxic / videojs-sprite-thumbnails

Video.js plugin to display thumbnails from a sprite image when hovering over the progress bar
MIT License
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ES6 Import videojs-sprite-thumbnails in TS React app #59

Open ftirej opened 9 months ago

ftirej commented 9 months ago

HI, is there a way to import the plugin in a React v18 app using TS?.

phloxic commented 7 months ago

Hi @ftirej, to be honest: I cannot say, due to lack of experience with React and/or typescript

singh-inder commented 4 weeks ago

You can use the following approach. Note: I've not created types for videojs options or spriteThumbnails config.


import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import videojs from "video.js";
// @ts-expect-error no types
import SpriteThumbnails from "videojs-sprite-thumbnails";
import "video.js/dist/video-js.css";

type Props = {
  // TODO: any types of options
  options: any;
  onReady?: (player: ReturnType<typeof videojs>) => void;

type Player = ReturnType<typeof videojs> & {
  // TODO: add types for config //
  spriteThumbnails?: (config: Object) => void;

export default function VideoPlayer({ options, onReady }: Props) {
  const videoRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null);
  const playerRef = useRef<Player | null>(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    // Make sure Video.js player is only initialized once
    if (!playerRef.current) {
      // The Video.js player needs to be _inside_ the component el for React 18 Strict Mode.
      const videoElement = document.createElement("video-js");


      const player = (playerRef.current = videojs(videoElement, options, () => {
        videojs.log("player is ready");
        onReady && onReady(player);

      // You could update an existing player in the `else` block here
      // on prop change, for example:
    } else {
      const player = playerRef.current;


    const pluginName = "spriteThumbnails";

    if (typeof videojs.getPlugin(pluginName) === "undefined") {
      videojs.registerPlugin(pluginName, SpriteThumbnails);

    // setup 160x90 thumbnails in sprite.jpg, 1 per second
      interval: 1,
      url: "",
      width: 160,
      height: 90,
      columns: 10,
  }, [options, videoRef]);

  // Dispose the Video.js player when the functional component unmounts
  useEffect(() => {
    const player = playerRef.current;

    return () => {
      if (player && !player.isDisposed()) {
        playerRef.current = null;
  }, []);

  return (
    <div data-vjs-player>
      <div ref={videoRef} />
phloxic commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @singh-inder, thank you for this example. It seems a good idea to add it to the README, or, to avoid overloading it, to some doc or contrib section. Patch welcome ;-) or drop me an email if you like.

sitaoi commented 3 weeks ago

@singh-inder @I follow this link file=%2Fsrc%2Fcomponents%2FVideoPlayer.tsx%3A13%2C37, why is the thumbnails function not implemented

singh-inder commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @phloxic sure I can create an example repo and also add a codesandbox link. But how do you want to handle types? In this repo itself or inside DefinitelyTyped repo. DefinitelyTyped could take some time for merging PR.

singh-inder commented 3 weeks ago

@singh-inder @i follow this link file=%2Fsrc%2Fcomponents%2FVideoPlayer.tsx%3A13%2C37, why is the thumbnails function not implemented

@sitaoi I've added a comment right above haven't added any types for the example code. Also have added a link for config object.

sitaoi commented 3 weeks ago

@singh-inder @phloxic It means that this feature is not supported yet,Now, there is an urgent need for such plug-ins

singh-inder commented 3 weeks ago

@singh-inder @phloxic It means that this feature is not supported yet,Now, there is an urgent need for such plug-ins

What do you mean by feature not supported? If you're referring to missing types, you can easily create a type yourself based on the config