phockett / ePSproc

Post-processing of ePolyScat calculations
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Plotting routines #27

Open phockett opened 4 years ago

phockett commented 4 years ago

To do:

phockett commented 4 years ago

Improved XC plotting with Holoviews + Bokeh:

Functionalised version now in plot/

phockett commented 3 years ago

Also: fix horrible plotting code now propagated and bodged into class functions. This is fragile depending on data type and dimensions. Needs unifying.

phockett commented 2 years ago

Now added general curve plotting routine with Holoviews, see 6030520d2894940c98e3b49af48c419de31ecc6e

Main routine is hvPlotters.curvePlot(). This needs to be further wrapped for specific common plots and class use.

Update: see for some usage examples.

Also: in many cases hvPlot() is easiest/quickest from Xarray, e.g.

See also OCS dev work for simplified BLM plotter routine, may be better than current methods.

UPDATE: also plotters in

phockett commented 2 years ago

Improved basicPlotters.BLMplot() routine and added Holoviews backend, see 6bcc112d694ee17b05559678a9bb92e9f33df873


phockett commented 2 years ago

Fixed Plotly rendering issue in (updates sphinx_rtd_theme >= 1.0.0 in requirements-RTD.txt).

UPDATE 14/11/22: this is NOT working on dev branch docs, not sure why. HV rendering on latest (master) branch is OK however. May just need to force a clean build?

UPDATE 13/07/23: further testing on 3d-AFPAD-dev branch.

UPDATE 06/03/24:

phockett commented 2 years ago

Quick hack fix for missing facetDims case for Plotly plotters in sphPlot.sphPlotPL() when calling from ep.classes.base.padPlot(). Pretty ugly however, and breaks subplots for 1D case - needs more work.

See 216cfd33edb69a2a2cc99d59aa0c518097724f47

phockett commented 1 year ago

For some further dev and notes see recent MF recon manuscript notebooks,

phockett commented 1 year ago

Implemented better HV backend for BLMplot() class version, see 5fcb0277a2df6d356db9198ecbc68e2c48f3ea8c.

This needs some work, but improves/fixes previous implementation.

NOTE issue with (l,m) stacking introducing invalid coords, as per note at May have fixed this elsewhere? Combination of XR restack and Holoviews selection routines? Need to define mask or selectors on HV object?

phockett commented 1 year ago

Holoviews surface plotting

phockett commented 1 year ago

Plotly PAD plotting routine updated with axes options in 1c8ea8c4580808516fac79cf84c208a331f729b4

TODO: currently not allowing for all args to be passed, and now just plotting axes as default case. Need to implement global styling as note above ( via dict per plotter or similar.

UPDATE 16/03/23: further improvements to Plotly plotting with facet options. Also allow for basic **kwargs passing from calling functions and class wrapper, as of b3ce53071eccaa21702196e791ff1c8570e8d711

UPDATE 12/07/23: modified fix for conditional only, otherwise may break computational-only function runs, see aaa13d4ac614da8e07feae662d96fa82107edff8.

phockett commented 1 year ago

TODO: improve on last fix above by adding also "returnFlag" option to avoid forced plotting!

phockett commented 1 year ago

Matplotlib versions for MolPlot - currently fails for >v3.5. This sometimes gives cascaded errors in notebooks, and sometimes seems to only affect MolPlot output.

Ah, looks like issue is Arrow3D class, needs patching for Matplotlib >v3.5, see

TODO: add to ePSproc with conditional patching depending on MPL version.

phockett commented 6 months ago

Multijob .plotGetCroComp() working with Holoviews as of 16de8a353f07f7a704ea0af15f04811702b56435.

TODO: fix for Ehv use too, currently only working for Eke coords. For Ehv can't swap in restacked data, and if set and used pre-stacking end up with weird HVplot results due to NaNs/discontinuities in data. May have fixed this issue elsewhere already?

phockett commented 6 months ago

To fix: Holoviews implementation in self.padPlot (for base class) stacking bug - seems to sometimes fail to stack by label? Issue with Xarray ordering, or just random?