phockett / ePSproc

Post-processing of ePolyScat calculations
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ePSproc Readme


A post-processing suite for ePolyScat calculations, and general tool for photoionzation calculations.

ePSproc scripts are designed for photoionization studies. The scripts were originally written for Matlab (2009 - 2016); a Python version is currently under (heavy) development (2019 to date), and is now the main/preferred version.

Source code is available on Github <>_.

Ongoing documentation is on Read the Docs <>_.

For more background, and details on the Matlab version, see the software metapaper for ePSproc (Aug. 2016), ePSproc: Post-processing suite for ePolyScat electron-molecule scattering calculations, on Authorea <> or arXiv 1611.04043 <>. For data platform and related experimental tools, see the Photoelectron Metrolgy toolkit <>__.

.. image::

Getting Started

To get started, see the demo Jupyter notebooks for example usage:

Installation (Python)


See the extended installation notes for more details & options <>_.



.. This doesn't work for PyPi: See the demo :doc:Jupyter notebook <ePSproc_demo_Aug2019/ePSproc_demo_Aug2019> for example usage.


.. This doesn't work for PyPi :doc:Full function documentation <modules/epsproc>.

Full function documentation <>_.

Matlab (legacy code)


For more details see



An ongoing repository of ePS results can be found at ePSdata <> (as of Jan 2020, this replaces the previous repository on OSF <>).


For details about ePolyScat (ePS), a tool for computation of electron-molecule scattering, see:

Future aims


If you make use of ePSproc in your research, please cite it.

Cite the software directly via either Github or Figshare repositories for the software (note same DOI for both)::

@misc{ePSprocGithub, title={ePSproc: Post-processing for ePolyScat}, url={}, DOI={10.6084/m9.figshare.3545639}, publisher={Github}, howpublished = {\url{}}, author={Hockett, Paul}, year={2016}, commit = {30158eb3fbba41d0a4c3a973744f28b7187e6ee2} }

@misc{ePSprocFigshare, title={ePSproc: Post-processing for ePolyScat}, url={}, DOI={10.6084/m9.figshare.3545639}, publisher={Figshare}, author={Hockett, Paul}, year={2016} }

... or the software paper (Authorea/arXiv)::

@article{ePSprocPaper, title={ePSproc: Post-processing for ePolyScat electron-molecule scattering calculations}, url={}, DOI={10.22541/au.156754490.06103020}, journal = {Authorea/arXiv e-prints}, publisher={Authorea/arXiv}, author={Hockett, Paul}, year={2016}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {1611.04043}, primaryClass = {physics.comp-ph}, eid = {arXiv:1611.04043}, pages = {arXiv:1611.04043} }

(Citation styles for software from StackExchange <>_.)

.. .. include:: citation.txt (keep duplicate details here, since this doesn't work for basic Github readme!)


Special thanks to R.R. Lucchese and coworkers for ePolyScat <>_.

Thanks to the multiple collaborators and co-authors who encouraged and suggested the cavilier use of ePS "out of the box", for many different problems incorporating electron scattering and photoionization. This spirit of "shoot first, ask questions later" indeed raised many questions which, eventually, necessitated proper use of ePS and careful post-processing of the results, and sharpened related foundational expertise - efforts well worth making.

Thanks, finally, and of course, to those supporting scientific software development and infrastructure (and making it easy!), including Github, Read the Docs, Pypi, SciPy etc. etc. In particular the python version of this project makes use of Xarray <>_, and Moble's spherical functions (& quaternion) <>_.

.. |docs| image:: :alt: Documentation Status :scale: 100% :target: