phoe / asd-generator

Automatic generator for ASDF's .asd files
GNU General Public License v3.0
18 stars 3 forks source link


Automatic generator for ASDF's .asd files.

This is still in alpha, but I use it to build my own projects, if it means anything. :P

This autoregenerates an .asd file with a customizable :COMPONENTS field, based on the file structure you provide.

The project must have a valid .asd file containing a single asdf:defsystem expression.

The project must have a asd-generator-data.asd file with the structure outlined below.


Currently, not available from quicklisp.

With Roswell, you can:

$ ros install phoe/asd-generator

Lisp API


Syntax: (write-asd system-designator &key im-sure)

This writes the ASD file for a provided ASDF-loadable system.

You need to press Enter before anything happens, unless the im-sure key is set to non-nil.


Syntax: (regen &key im-sure)

This calls write-asd on the current package, as stated in the *package* variable.

You need to press Enter before anything happens, unless the im-sure key is set to non-nil.

Command line API

update-asdf [-y] [-C pathname] [-f data] [[-s SYSTEM]*]

Mostly corresponds to calling regen and write-asd.

Known bugs/TODO

Save all of your files in Emacs before running this, as it will pull files like .#file.lisp into the :COMPONENTS tree along with all others.

Example of usage:

Original asdf file:

(defsystem #:asd-generator-test
 :description "system for testing asd-generator"
 :author "Masataro Asai"
 :depends-on (#:cl-fad
 :serial t
 :components ())


(("package")        ;single element list (<PATH>) is an abbreviation of (:file <PATH>)
 (:file "constants")
 (:file "constants2" :depends-on ("constants")) ; you have to specify :file when you use other features
 (:cffi-grovel-file "grovel") ; works well with asdf extensions
 (:dir :src                             ; abbreviation of :module + :components.
       (:dir "sub" ("a"))

       ;; Traverse the current directory recursively and expands to the list of
       ;; files that are not included by any other directives.
       ;; This means that the expansion is affected by the components not just
       ;; before, but also after (:rest).  Thus the files "a", "b", "sub/a", "c",
       ;; "rest", all files below "more-grovels", all files below "non-recursive",
       ;; all files below "sub2" are excluded.
       ;; This could be somewhat similar to the behavior of
       ;; (call-next-method).

       ;; (:rest :as :file)    ; You can specify the component type (:file by default).


       ;; A file rest.lisp should be included by (:file "rest")
       (:file "rest")

       (:dir "more-grovels"
             (:rest :as :cffi-grovel-file)) ; Specifying the component type.

       (:dir "non-recursive"
             ;; You can disable the recursive traversal.  Note that while the
             ;; expansion includes only the files immediately below
             ;; "non-recursive" and does not include the files in the
             ;; subdirectory "non-recursive/sub", the files below
             ;; "non-recursive/sub" are also excluded from the above (:rest)
             ;; directive. In other words, all files below "non-recursive" are
             ;; treated as if they are already included.
             (:rest :recursive nil))

       (:dir "sub2")                  ; directory without subcomponents imply (:rest).
       ;; (:dir "sub2" (:rest))       ; eqivalent definition

Result asdf file:

(defsystem #:asd-generator-test
 :description "system for testing asd-generator"
 :author "Masataro Asai"
 :depends-on (#:cl-fad
 :serial t
 :components ((:file "package")
              (:file "constants")
              (:file "constants2"
               :depends-on ("constants"))
              (:cffi-grovel-file "grovel")
              (:module "src"
               :components ((:file "a")
                            (:file "b")
                            (:module "sub"
                             :components ((:file "a")))
                            (:file "not-specified-anywhere/a")
                            (:file "not-specified-anywhere/b")
                            (:file "not-specified-anywhere/c")
                            (:file "c")
                            (:file "rest")
                            (:module "more-grovels"
                             :components ((:cffi-grovel-file "a")
                                          (:cffi-grovel-file "b")
                                          (:cffi-grovel-file "c")))
                            (:module "non-recursive"
                             :components ((:file "a")
                                          (:file "b")
                                          (:file "c")))
                            (:module "sub2"
                             :components ((:file "a")
                                          (:file "b")
                                          (:file "c")))))))