phoebe-project /

website for PHOEBE - including hosting all documentation, tutorials, and publications
GNU General Public License v3.0
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reactjs website is a single-page ReactJS website, with content dynamically pulled and rendered from the various phoebe repositories:


see installing node and npm on Ubuntu

Serving locally

In the root directory, issue:

npm install

to install local dependencies, and then:

npm start

to create a local webserver running the site.

NOTE on /static/ files: all files referenced as /static/ are NOT included in the git repository, but rather served separately by apache on clusty. These include large downloads such as atmosphere tables and PHOEBE legacy builds and documentation. These links WILL NOT WORK when running a local server, as they will not be able to find the correct directory. See below in "General Notes on Layout/Conventions" for more details on what to put in static vs public.


In the root directory, issue:

npm run deploy

This assumes that you have clusty as a servername on your machine and permissions to write to the correct directory. If not, you can manually build and scp the files:

npm run build
scp -r build/* clusty:/srv/www/phoebe-project/

General Notes on Layout/Conventions

Releasing a New Version of PHOEBE

Once a new MINOR/MAJOR version of PHOEBE (i.e. 2.1 or 3.0) is released on GitHub and pip, several steps need to be made to update the website. PATCH versions (i.e. 2.1.1) do not need any action as everything is loaded dynamically from the sources on GitHub.

  1. Update docs_versions in docs.jsx if the new version should be shown in the docs switcher. The first version listed in the list will be considered the "latest" release, and all internal links will now point to that version. Make sure the correct branch exists in the phoebe2-docs repository and that the API docs are updated and pushed. See below for more details below about updating documentation on the website.

  2. Create the content for the release page in releases.jsx inside the if-else logic in the ReleaseContent component by updating the content and logo (if anything other than the default logo) variables (see existing releases for examples).

  3. Create the entry for the corresponding release paper in publications.jsx and tag with the release (if applicable, see "Updating Publications" below for more information).

  4. Create a news entry item and pin to the homepage, if necessary (see below for more information).

Updating Releases

The text description and logo for each MINOR/MAJOR release are defined in releases.jsx. The changelog entry for patch releases is dynamically pulled from the changelog in the README (master branch) of the main phoebe2 repository.

Updating Installation Instructions

Installation instructions are defined in the Install component in install.jsx. Pay specific attention to the logic of whether a version is specified or not (if version is null then default version-less instructions are shown). If making changes to the installation instructions that are not backwards-compatible with previous releases (or vice-versa) make sure to include logic based on the value of the version variable.

Updating Documentation

The PHOEBE 2 documentation sources displayed on the website are dynamically fetched from the phoebe2-docs repository and rendered from either the jupyter notebook or markdown file found in the branch corresponding to the requested version. Updates to documentation should therefore be made to the phoebe2-docs repository and pushed (or open a Pull Request) to the correct branch. API documentation is also pulled from the same repository, but must be manually updated from the corresponding release of PHOEBE. Jupyter notebooks and python scripts are built and copied by travis to the master branch of the phoebe2-docs phoebe2-docs repository and served via GitHub pages so that they can be downloadable from the website.

Versions displayed in the version switcher are defined in docs.jsx under the docs_versions variable. The list should be sorted from newest to oldest versions available, with the first entry (newest) being automatically redirected from all site-wide navigation links (i.e. /docs or /docs/latest).

Updating News Entries

News entries are defined in newsStoriesDicts variable in news.jsx. To add a new article, add a dictionary to the TOP of this list, copying the format of other existing entries. Pay particular attention to making sure all commas exist correctly (and test locally before deploying). The pinnedDays key in the dictionary will determine how long the given entry will also be shown on the top of the homepage. If not provided, this will default to 30 days. NOTE: the content must be wrapped in an outer <div> element.


Similar to the documentation, the workshop pages are dynamically fetched from the phoebe2-workshop repository and rendered from the markdown files. Updates to the workshop information or materials, should be made to the phoebe2-workshop repository and pushed (or open a Pull Request) to the correct branch. The name of the branch must match the name of the workshop URL (defined in the workshops variable in workshops.jsx).

Adding a New Workshop

Create a new branch (with the format "2018june") in the phoebe2-workshop repository and update all necessary information (date, location, etc) for that workshop. Once the information in the repository is up-to-date and ready to be made public, add an entry to the active_workshops variable in workshops.jsx with the branch-name as the key and a brief description (with the format "June 2018, Villanova PA") as they value. This will then add the workshop to the list of upcoming workshops and open the url with the same branch name. Check to make sure all buttons in the header work, and push/deploy the changes. Future changes to the branch will automatically update on the website. If necessary, update the redirect for in the WorkshopRegistration component in workshops.jxs.

Archiving an Existing Workshop

Once a workshop is completed, the entry needs to be moved from the list of upcoming workshops to the list of archived workshops. This will also change the buttons available in the header to show to workshop materials (with links to talks/videos/etc) instead of registration information. To do this, make sure the branch in the phoebe2-workshop repository is updated with all materials/talks/videos and move the relevant entry from the active_workshops variable to the archived_workshops variable in workshops.jsx. Future changes to the branch will automatically update on the website (i.e. updating the materials/links/information).

Changing the Buttons/Layout of Workshops

All workshops display the same buttons/format (with the exception of the change between an upcoming/active and an archived workshop). If for some reason the needs for these buttons change, the source can be edited in the WorkshopActive and WorkshopArchived components in workshops.jsx. Note that adding new buttons in the header may not work for previous archived versions if those markdown files do not exist - so make sure to either create the markdown files as necessary or to create necessary if-else logic to preserve the old archived versions.

Updating Publications

The list of publications is currently created manually in the Publications component in publications.jsx. For each entry, use the Publication component (see existing entries) which takes the following arguments: adsLink, authors, title, and release (optional - if provided, must match a valid release branch/tag). To link to a dedicated page with links to reproducible content, use entryLink instead of adsLink and fillout an entry in the PublicationEntry component.

Updating/Adding Developer Bios

Developer bios can be added/updated in the HelpDevel component in help.jsx and should make use of the DeveloperInfo component (see existing entries).

Updating/Adding FAQ Entries

FAQ Entries can be added/updated in the HelpFAQ component in help.jsx.

Adding New Pages

New pages should have their components defined in a reasonably names .jsx file in the src directory, with their URLs defined in the Router in App.js.

Adding a New Entry to the Navigation Bar

The navigation bar, persistent throughout the site, is defined in navbar.jsx. If adding a new entry, look at the format of existing entries, and make sure to test the responsive behavior at different browser widths. It may be necessary to change the visibility of some of the labels at the small and medium browser widths (see other entries for how to hide/shorten labels).


See the React README for more information.