Designing and implementing a simple computer simulator.
CSCI6461: Computer System Architecture Project
Spring 2017
The George Washington University
In this project, we design and implement a simple computer simulator. This project has 4 components. And, these components will be implemented during the semester.
Component 1: Basic Machine (Finishing Date: 2/11/2017)
We are working on designing and implementing the basic machine architecture in this phase. In particular:
- Implementing a simple memory.
- Executing LOAD and STORE instructions.
- Building initial user interface to simulator.
Component 2: Memory and Cache Design (Finishing Date: 3/4/2017)
- Designing and implementing the modules for enhanced memory and cache operations.
- Implementing all instructions except for MSR, CHK, and Floating Point/Vector operations.
- Extending the user interface.
- Demonstrate 1st program running on our simulator.
Component 3: Execute All Instructions (Finishing Date: 4/5/2017)
- Handling machine faults and TRAP.
- Extending the user interface
- Demonstrate 2nd program running on our simulator.
Component 4: Floating point and vector operations (Finishing Date: 5/1/2017)
- Designing and implementing the modules for floating point and vector operations.
- Designing and implementing simple pipelining.