photokandyStudios / gbible

Greek Interlinear Bible for iOS (native)
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Greek Interlinear Bible for iOS

NOTE: We're on the App Store now with version 1.1:

Project code for the Greek Interlinear Bible for iOS. This code is COPYRIGHT (C) 2012 photoKandy Studios LLC. Portions of the code are under different licenses, see

For screenshots of current (and previous) builds, see

Why are the assets and Bible Database missing? It is unfortunate that people would take the code and re-release it on the app store while replacing the attribution required. As such, I've told Git to ignore the graphical assets, as they are not covered under the license. While easy to circumvent, hopefully it will convince such unscrupulous developers to look elswhere. Furthermore, removing the Bible Database further complicates matters -- it is trivial to reconstruct, but difficult enough to dissuade unscrupulous developers. For legitimate development information, see: and


For attributions regarding the texts utilized, see


The code that is not otherwise licensed and is owned by photoKandy Studios LLC is hereby licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. That is, you may copy the code and use it for non-commercial uses under the same license. For the entire license, see

Furthermore, you may use the code in this app for your own personal or educational use. However you may NOT release a competing app on the App Store without prior authorization and significant code changes. If authorization is granted, attribution must be kept, but you must also add in your own attribution. You must also use your own API keys (TestFlight, Parse, etc.) and you much provide your own support. As the code is released for non-commercial purposes, any directly competing app based on this code must not require payment of any form (including ads).

NOTE: The graphical assets are not covered under the above license. They are copyright their respective owners.

The following developers are excluded from the above license, by virtue of previous infringement, and the exclusions are retroactive: