Generates nice HTML documentation from your Yii app source code, just a quick hack of the doc builder from Yii's build process. Also includes some properly commented templates for Gii. Read the wiki at http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/186/how-to-generate-yii-like-documentation/
Extract the contents of the commands folder to protected/commands
If you want to use the included commented Gii templates, extract them somewhere like ext.giitemplates, then include them in your gii module config e.g. 'gii'=>array( ... 'generatorPaths' => array( 'ext.giitemplates', ), ),
./yiic docs check - Checks the source code to see if there's any classes that are lacking documentation, good for quality checking
./yiic docs ../docs - Generates the site documentation in the specified folder (which must exist)
Documenting Views:
If you want to annotate the parameters passed to views by controllers, use the following syntax in your view right at the top of your view file /**
If you're getting errors with certain classes you might need to exclude them from the documentation process, to do this add them to the list of excluded files in $this->$appOptions in DocsCommand.php