phpsa / filament-authentication

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Filament User Authentication

User Resource For Filament Admin along with Roles & Permissions using Spatie

Package Installation

You can install the package via composer:

composer require phpsa/filament-authentication

and run the install command

php artisan filament-authentication:install

this will publish the config file and migrations

optionally publish views / translations

artisan vendor:publish --tag=filament-authentication-views
artisan vendor:publish --tag=filament-authentication-translations

Spatie Roles & Permissions

If you have not yet configured this package it is automatically added by this installer, run the following steps:

  1. You should publish the migration and the config/permission.php config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Permission\PermissionServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate
  1. Add the Spatie\Permission\Traits\HasRoles trait to your Users model

  2. Add Roles & Permissions as required

For more see:

Setup & Config

in your Filament panel file you need to add the following to the Plugins section

add the resources

 public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
        return $panel

You can configure this via either the config file or the plugin.


1. Widgets

LatestUsersWidget can be added to your dashboard by adding it to your panel widgets area..


Note that it is also attached to the UserPolicy::viewAny policy value if the policy exists

2. Laravel Impersonate

If you have not configured this package it is automatically added by this install, run the following steps:

  1. Add the trait Lab404\Impersonate\Models\Impersonate to your User model.
  2. edit the config file and set impersonate->enabled to true

Defining impersonation authorization

By default all users can impersonate an user. You need to add the method canImpersonate() to your user model:

     * @return bool
    public function canImpersonate()
        // For example
        return $this->is_admin == 1;

By default all users can be impersonated. You need to add the method canBeImpersonated() to your user model to extend this behavior:

     * @return bool
    public function canBeImpersonated()
        // For example
        return $this->can_be_impersonated == 1;

Protect From Impersonation

You can use the middleware impersonate.protect to protect your routes against user impersonation. This middleware can be useful when you want to protect specific pages like users subscriptions, users credit cards, ...

Router::get('/my-credit-card', function() {
    echo "Can't be accessed by an impersonator";

Events There are two events available that can be used to improve your workflow:

Each events returns two properties $event->impersonator and $event->impersonated containing User model instance.

3. Password Renewal

Introduced in V4.2.0 - this allows you to enforce a user to change their password every X days.

Enable this & configure this as Follows:

  1. add the Phpsa\FilamentAuthentication\Traits\CanRenewPassword trait to your user model
  2. configure the options for pruning and renewal day period in the config file
  3. if not published, publish migration artisan vendor:publish --tag filament-authentication-migrations

this will force a user to update their password, note -- all existing users will initially be foreced to, this can be ignored by running the following command:

Authentication Log

Introduced in V4.2.0 - this allows you to log each user login attempt.

Enable this & configure this as follows:

  1. add the Phpsa\FilamentAuthentication\Traits\LogsAuthentication trait to your user model
  2. configure the options for prune in the authentication_log section of the config
  3. optionally enable the resource in navigation section of the config file.
  4. if not published, publish migration artisan vendor:publish --tag filament-authentication-migrations

this will now log login and logouts on the system.


Roles & Permissions can be secured using Laravel Policies, create your policies and register then in the AuthServiceProvider

 protected $policies = [
        Role::class       => RolePolicy::class,
        Permission::class => PermissionPolicy::class,
        CustomPage::class => CustomPagePolicy::class,
        SettingsPage::class => SettingsPagePolicy::class
        // 'App\Models\Model' => 'App\Policies\ModelPolicy',

We have a Custom Page Trait: Phpsa\FilamentAuthentication\Traits\PagePolicyTrait and a Spatie Settings Page Trait Phpsa\FilamentAuthentication\Traits\SettingsPage\PolicyTrait that you can add to your pages / settings pages. By defining a model and mapping it with a viewAny($user) method you can define per policies whether or not to show the page in navigation.


Phpsa\FilamentAuthentication\Events\UserCreated is triggered when a user is created via the Resource

Phpsa\FilamentAuthentication\Events\UserUpdated is triggered when a user is updated via the Resource

Future Plans


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.