phpughh / dev-env

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dev-env (virtual box + vagrant)

Software to download:


Read the installation guide or search via Google how to install vagrant on your distribution.

Workspace & Repositories

Start the VM:

In general we assume that every developer has an 64Bit system. If you don't just change the configuration values of the following parameters: = "" // precise64 or precise32
config.vm.box_url = "" // or

Open a console and change over to the checkout "dev-env". Start the VM by running the command:

vagrant up

Long story short or what happens after executing "vagrant up".

The first time you start building the machine vagrant will start downloading the vagrant box (precise64) which is ~330MB. So please make sure you have a well internet connection. Afterward ruby (v1.9.1) and it dependencies will be installed, followed by Jekyll.

Connect the VM:

Configure a SSH connection in Putty:

Start the Jekyll:

Execute the following command:

sudo LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 jekyll serve --port 80 --watch --detach --source /var/www/

The page is now be available in your browser under "".

Useful Commands

vagrant destroy // destroy the vm
vagrant reload  // restart the vm
jekyll --help


There should be no problems with the current version of VirtualBox and Vagrant, in case of use this versions instead.

Status: not well tested

