A wrapper for libclang and a generator that can turn c header files into clojure apis.
Supports jna and dtype-next. Support for other ffi libs is likely.
Writing wrappers for c libraries is tedious and error prone. The goal of clong is to streamline the process of creating wrappers for c libraries. It is a non-goal to make the process 100% automatic. However, it should be possible to do 80-90% of the work and provide tools that are useful for building higher level APIs.
Leiningen dependency:
[com.phronemophobic/clong "1.4.3"]
;; only needed for parsing. not needed for generation
[org.bytedeco/llvm-platform "16.0.4-1.5.9"]
deps.edn dependency:
com.phronemophobic/clong {:mvn/version "1.4.3"}
;; only needed for parsing. not needed for generation
org.bytedeco/llvm-platform {:mvn/version "16.0.4-1.5.9"}
Note: If you receive an error like "Error building classpath. Could not acquire write lock for[...]" while downloading deps, try deleting the maven dep and retrying with -Sthreads 1
to workaround this issue.
rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/bytedeco/
clj -Sthreads 1 -P
takes a header filename and the command line args to pass to clang. The most common command line args are "-I/my/header/path"
. If you built clang locally, then you may also need to add system paths. You can see the system paths that you may by running clang -### empty-file.h
from the command line.
returns a CXCursor. Further processing can be done via the raw api in com.phronemophobic.clong.clang.jna.raw
. For basic usage, just use:
(require '[com.phronemophobic.clong.clang :as clang])
(def results (->> (clang/parse "my-header.h" clang/default-arguments)
(map clang/cursor-info)))
To get a flavor of some of the data that can be extracted, check out clong's datafied version of the libclang API.
Below is how clong can be used to generate a wrapper for libz (full example):
(require '[clojure.java.io :as io]
'[clojure.string :as str]
'[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
'[clojure.edn :as edn]
'[com.phronemophobic.clong.clang :as clang]
'[com.phronemophobic.clong.gen.jna :as gen])
(import 'com.sun.jna.ptr.LongByReference)
(def libz
(com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary/getInstance "z"))
(def api (clang/easy-api "/opt/local/include/zlib.h"))
(gen/def-api libz api)
(zlibVersion) ;; "1.2.11"
(def source "clong!")
(def dest (byte-array 255))
(def dest-size* (doto (LongByReference.)
(.setValue (alength dest))))
(compress dest dest-size* source (count source)) ;; 0
(.getValue dest-size*) ;; 14
(def dest2 (byte-array (count source)))
(def dest2-size* (doto (LongByReference.)
(.setValue (alength dest2))))
(uncompress dest2 dest2-size* dest (.getValue dest-size*)) ;; 0
(String. dest2) ;; "clong!"
The basic idea is to generate a description of the api with easy-api
and generate the required structs, functions, and enums with def-api
Examples can be found in the examples directory.
Other projects using clong:
For a more complicated example, clong's clang interface is generated by clong itself.
Additionally, clong was successfully able to generate a complete wrapper for the libav* libraries, (source).
clang -### empty-file.h
to see what system paths might be missing).-include
argument when parsingCopyright © 2022-2024 Adrian
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.