phronmophobic / membrane.term

A terminal emulator in pure clojure
Eclipse Public License 1.0
53 stars 1 forks source link
clojure membrane terminal


cljdoc clojurians slack clojars

A simple terminal emulator in clojure. Built with membrane.


I thought it would be fun. There's not much code. All of the ANSI parsing work is done by asciinema/vt. membrane.term is just small UI on top.

Some reasons to use membrane.term:


Pre 1.0 release. APIs and behavior are subject to change.


Membrane.term works on macOS and Linux operating systems.

To invoke via clj -M:membrane.term add the following alias to your deps.edn:

   {com.phronemophobic/membrane.term {:git/url ""
                                      :git/sha "7b973adc4910729042736d8a84e5fce4f4f43722"}
    ;; the next 2 optional deps appease pty4j which does some logging
    ;; change nop to simple if you'd actually like to see the log lines
    org.slf4j/log4j-over-slf4j {:mvn/version "1.7.32"}
    org.slf4j/slf4j-nop {:mvn/version "1.7.32"}}
   :main-opts ["-m" "com.phronemophobic.membrane.term.main"]}}
 ;; pty4j is currently only available from the jetbrains maven repo
 {"jetbrains-intellij-dependencies" {:url ""}}}

Command Line Usage

For usage help run:

clj -M:membrane.term --help

Run an interactive GUI terminal

clj -M:membrane.term run-term

A demo of the types of things you can do:


You can also optional specify:

Run a headless terminal and take a screenshot

Play a script in a headless terminal and write an image to terminal.png.

Given play script

# override prompt to something doc-friendly
export PS1="$ "
# print out some  colors
msgcat --color=test | head -11

If we run:

clj -M:membrane.term screenshot --play --height 14

Membrane.term passes the script to the terminal character by character, then writes a screenshot to terminal.png:


You must specify:

You can also optionally specify:

Given play script

# our setup
export PS1="$ "
mkdir -p target/term-screenshot
cd target/term-screenshot
echo '{:deps {lambdaisland/deep-diff2 {:mvn/version "2.0.108"}}}' > deps.edn
# we clear to wipe setup output
(require '[lambdaisland.deep-diff2 :as ddiff])
(ddiff/pretty-print (ddiff/diff {:a 1 :b 2} {:a 1 :c 3}))

Let's increase the line delay to give the Clojure REPL a chance to start up before feeding it input. We'll also reduce the final delay, we just don't need 10 seconds for this one:

clj -M:membrane.term screenshot --play \
  --width 80 --height 9 \
  --final-delay 1000 --line-delay 3000 \
  --out deep-diff.jpg

Produces deep-diff.jpg:


Color Schemes

There are boatloads of terminal color schemes available at iTerm2-Color-Schemes. Review what you might like from their screenshots, then find the corresponding .itermcolors file under their schemes directory.

Use the --color-scheme option to specify an .itermcolors file, either from a copy you have downloaded:

clj -M:membrane.term run-term --width 90 --height 30 \
  ---color-scheme "Builtin Solarized Dark.itermcolors"

...or directly from the raw GitHub URL:

clj -M:membrane.term screenshot --play --height 14 \
  --color-scheme ""

The screenshot command produces terminal.png:



You can specify a font family and size. The font must be OS installed and is assumed to be monospace.

Let's pretend that, for whatever reason, you've fallen in love with the Nova Mono font, and have installed it on your system.

To use this font in an interactive membrane.term terminal, specify its installed name. Here we've opted for a point size of 16:

clj -M:membrane.term run-term --font-family "NovaMono" --font-size 16

The same options are available for screenshots:

clj -M:membrane.term screenshot --play --height 14 \
  --font-family "NovaMono" --font-size 16

produces terminal.png:



You can specify a toolkit. Available options are "java2d" (the default) and "skia".


The java2d toolkit will use swing for windowing, graphics, and events.


The skia toolkit will use skia for graphics and glfw for windowing and events. Using the skia toolkit requires the following extra dependency:

M1 mac:

com.phronemophobic.membrane/skialib-macosx-aarch64 {:mvn/version ""}

Non-M1 mac:

com.phronemophobic.membrane/skialib-macosx-x86-64 {:mvn/version ""}


com.phronemophobic.membrane/skialib-linux-x86-64 {:mvn/version ""}

If running from the membrane.term project, you can use the :skia alias to add the dependency:

clojure -M:membrane.term:skia run-term --toolkit skia


Questions? Comments? Connect with us on clojurians slack in #membrane-term (join here)


Copyright © 2021 Adrian Smith

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.