phuselab / DANTE

DANTE (Dimensional ANnotation Tool for Emotions) is an emotional annotation tool to annotate any kind of video in terms of valence and arousal continuous dimensions.
MIT License
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affective-computing annotation annotation-tool arousal emotion emotion-analysis valence video

Giuseppe Boccignone¹, Donatello Conte², Vittorio Cuculo¹, Raffaella Lanzarotti¹
¹ PHuSe Lab - Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Milano
² Université de Tours - Tours, France

Paper Boccignone, G., Conte, D., Cuculo, V. and Lanzarotti, R. (2017) AMHUSE: A Multimodal dataset for HUmour SEnsing. In Proceedings of 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. (ICMI'17), ACM


DANTE (Dimensional ANnotation Tool for Emotions) is a project developed by the PHuSe Lab from Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, in collaboration with Département Informatique de Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université François Rabelais de Tours, France. The tool is part of a multimodal dataset acquired with the aim to study emotional response in presence of amusement stimulus.

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For a test demo, go to the following link:


The annotation tool is a web-based software, and for this reason it simply requires a LAMP/MAMP/WAMP software bundle, depending on the operating system. In other terms, it requires: Apache HTTP Server, MySQL and PHP.


  1. Clone the repository
    git clone
  2. Copy or move the DANTE folder to the Apache www folder.
  3. Import the annotationdb.sql file into an existing MySQL instance.
    This is step is needed to create the DANTE database and tables.
    mysql -u <username> -p < annotationdb.sql
  4. Edit the file config.php according to the environment. (For more details, see section configuration).
  5. Open the browser to the page http://localhost/login.php or wherever you installed DANTE.
  6. Login with default credentials admin:admin.
  7. Follow the configuration instructions and change the default password!


The configuration file contained in config.php is very simple and permits to configure some basics parameters, such as:


If you use this code or data, please cite the paper:

    author="Cuculo, Vittorio and D'Amelio, Alessandro",
    editor="Zhao, Yao and Barnes, Nick and Chen, Baoquan and Westermann, R{\"u}diger and Kong, Xiangwei and Lin, Chunyu",
    title="OpenFACS: An Open Source FACS-Based 3D Face Animation System",
    booktitle="Image and Graphics",
    publisher="Springer International Publishing",