physje / waterinfo

Home Assistant custom component to use the Waterinfo API (Rijkswaterstaat, the Netherlands) to fetch measurements/observations for all kind of waterdata into a sensor
MIT License
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custom-component customcomponent hacs hacs-custom hacs-integration home-assistant integration rijkswaterstaat rws water waterinfo

Rijkswaterstaat Waterinfo

The Dutch Department of Waterways and Public Works (Rijkswaterstaat in Dutch) has the website Waterinfo where you can see all kind of water data. This includes information about water levels, water temperatures, wave heights, wind speed, etc. The data is update frequently (like every 10 minutes).

This integration uses the API of Waterinfo to fetch data from a particular location and subject (like waterlevel in a river at a specific location) into a Home Assistant sensor.



  1. Search for the "Rijkswaterstaat waterinfo" integration in HACS. It will be automatically installed to the custom_components directory
  2. Restart Home Assistant.
  3. In the HA UI go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click "+" and search for "Rijkswaterstaat Waterinfo"
  4. Follow the UI based Configuration


  1. Using the tool of choice open the directory (folder) for your HA configuration (where you find configuration.yaml).
  2. If you do not have a custom_components directory (folder) there, you need to create it.
  3. In the custom_components directory (folder) create a new folder called waterinfo.
  4. Download all the files from the custom_components/waterinfo/ directory (folder) in this repository.
  5. Place the files you downloaded in the new directory (folder) you created.
  6. Restart Home Assistant
  7. In the HA UI go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click "+" and search for "Rijkswaterstaat Waterinfo"

Configuration is done in the UI

You can configure and setup the Waterinfo integration in your integrations page, look for "Rijkswaterstaat Waterinfo" in the add integrations dialog.

To configure a sensor, you need to know the code for the location and the code for the measurement. Not all measurements are available at all locations. An overview of which measurement is available for which location is given in the docs-folder. There are pages with the overview based on location (eg Locations with a A) and pages with the overview based on measurement (eg Measuements with a C).

If you are for example are a windsurf-fan and you wants to make a sensor for the windspeed in the middle of the Lake IJssel, you need to know the waterinfo-code for that location and the waterinfo-code for the measurement. On Measuements with a W or Locations with a F you can see that the measurement-code for Windsnelheid Lucht t.o.v. Mean Sea Level in m/s is WINDSHD and the location-code for Markermeer Midden -o is FL42o (both codes are case-sensitive). If you also want a sensor for the wave-heights at the same location, the location-code is the same (FL42o) and Locations with a F tells you that the measurement-code for Significante golfhoogte in het spectrale domein Oppervlaktewater golffrequentie tussen 30 en 500 mHz in cm is Hm0.

If you, like me, live in Deventer which is a city that is located on the river IJsel and the water level can sometimes cause problems: you can use waterinfo to make a sensor and trigger automations based on the waterlevel. The code for waterlevel in the river IJsel in Deventer can be found on Locations with a D to be DEVE (location-code) and WATHTE (measurement-code).

In the same way on Measuements with a T or Locations with a T the codes for water-temperature on the Terschelling can be found to be TERS (location-code) and T (measurement-code).

Known limitations