physycom / vehicle_dynamics_Blender

Blender add-on to reconstruct :car: dynamics
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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© Physics of Complex Systems Laboratory - Physics and Astronomy Department - University of Bologna

# Vehicle Dynamics Blender Reconstruct vehicle dynamics from sensors data by animating an object on Blender. Current version use accellerometer, gyroscope and GNSS module. The sensors data must be in [this format (FullInertial)]( ## Install 1. Download latest .zip release from [here]( 2. Install .zip as a blender common add-on as explained also [here]( During the add-on activation / deactivation dependencies are installed/uninstalled so you could have to wait a while. ## Usage Once the add-on is istalled a new panel will be present in the lower section of `Tools`. `Animate object` creates animation data for the active object. ## Contributing 1. Clone the repository ``` git clone ``` 2. Once you made some changes you can create the add-on zip: ``` python3 ``` There may be calls to some datasets that aren't provided because of privacy reason. For additional documentation see [my bachelor thesis]( on this project Semantic of version number: * patch for cosmetic or bugfixes enhancements * minor relase for performance or small features * major realese for big features ## License This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License v3.