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A Python server that hosts a web application to interact directly with a Linux machine.
In addition to the core web server, desktop management of app pages is managed via web-renderer
is handled via a separate -desktop
binary Debian package.
is included out-of-the-box with pi-topOS.
Ensure that you keep your system up-to-date to enjoy the latest features and bug fixes.
This application is installed as a Python 3 script that is managed by a systemd service, configured to automatically run on startup and restart during software updates.
is installed out of the box with pi-topOS, which is available from
pi-top.com. To install on Raspberry Pi OS or other operating systems, check out the Using pi-top Hardware with Raspberry Pi OS
page on the pi-top knowledge base.
.. _pi-top.com: https://www.pi-top.com/products/os/
.. _Using pi-top Hardware with Raspberry Pi OS: https://knowledgebase.pi-top.com/knowledge/pi-top-and-raspberry-pi-os
Please refer to the additional documentation
_ for more
information about the application.
.. _More Info: https://github.com/pi-top/pi-topOS-Web-Portal/blob/master/docs/README.md