pidah / st2-auth-backend-oauth2

Oauth2 authentication plugin for StackStorm Community edition
Apache License 2.0
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identity-provider oauth2-backend stackstorm

Oauth2 authentication plugin for StackStorm Community edition

NOTE: This oauth2 backend ONLY supports the Resource Owner Password Credential Grant as specified in

Configuration Options

option required default description
token_url yes Oauth2 token endpoint url (i.e."")
client_id yes client_id for the client obtained from the Identity Provider
client_secret yes client_secret for the client obtained from the Identity Provider

Configuration Example

Please refer to the authentication section in the StackStorm documentation for basic setup concept. The following is an example of the auth section in the StackStorm configuration file for the oauth2 backend:

mode = standalone
backend = oauth2
backend_kwargs = {"token_url": "", "client_id": "demo", "client_secret": "1a9ada23-d527-46eb-9230-d068ac3bc161"}
enable = True
use_ssl = True
cert = /path/to/ssl/cert/file
key = /path/to/ssl/key/file
logging = /path/to/st2auth.logging.conf
api_url =
debug = False

Oauth2 Identity Provider Server

To validate this Oauth2 backend, you can use the the following Identity Provider which supports Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant. This provider is based on


To run both unit and integration tests:

pip install -r test-requirements.txt

python test


python -m  unittest discover

Copyright, License, and Contributors Agreement

Copyright 2015 StackStorm, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:

By contributing you agree that these contributions are your own (or approved by your employer) and you grant a full, complete, irrevocable copyright license to all users and developers of the project, present and future, pursuant to the license of the project.