pierdet / Cim

CIM is a cross platform command line utility to manage and check the connection status to different hosts
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CIM - Connection Inventory Manager

Building / Running

git clone https://github.com/pierdet/Cim.git
cd Cim/Cim.Con/
dotnet run


  1. Download the latest release for your OS platform
  2. Extract the contents and copy it somewhere to your PATH
  3. Invoke the application by typing "cim" in the command line, this will also create the database so the first run is a bit slow.


    user@localhost> cim


    cim 1.0.0
    Copyright (C) 2020 cim

ERROR(S): No verb selected.

add Add hosts to an inventory

create Create a new inventory

delete Delete an inventory

list List inventories

remove Remove hosts from an inventory

test Test network connection to hosts in inventories

help Display more information on a specific command.

version Display version information.

## Usage
The `--help` command can be invoked both directly after `cim` or after specifying a verb
### Example 1 - Initial help
cim --help
cim 1.0.0
Copyright (C) 2020 cim

  add        Add hosts to an inventory

  create     Create a new inventory

  delete     Delete an inventory

  list       List inventories

  remove     Remove hosts from an inventory

  test       Test network connection to hosts in inventories

  help       Display more information on a specific command.

  version    Display version information.

Example 2 - Verb help

cim create --help
cim 1.0.0
Copyright (C) 2020 cim

  -i, --inventory-name    Required. Specify the name of the inventory to create

  --help                  Display this help screen.

  --version               Display version information.

Example 3 - Creating an inventory, adding hosts and testing them

Creating the inventory


cim create -i webservers


Created inventory webservers

Adding hosts to the inventory


cim add -i webservers -h google.com facebook.com github.com

Testing the inventory


cim test -i webservers


Testing connection to hosts in webservers:
google.com is reachable
facebook.com is reachable
github.com is reachable