pierrejochem / cordova-plugin-downloadmanager

Apache Cordova Download Manager Plugin
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DownloaderManager plugin for Cordova

The plugin can start and stop a file download from the web (HTTP).

Adding the plugin to your project

Add the git repository to your project: cordova-plugin-downloadmanager=https://github.com/pierrejochem/cordova-plugin-downloadmanager.git

Using the plugin

The plugin creates the method downloadmanager(action, options, win, fail)

action may be:

options is a json object containing the parameters (some optional) that DownloadManager accepts, it can be:

win and fail are callback functions. win will be called when there is a progress in the download. The passed object is:

    id: "45345"         // id to handle the process
    downloading: true   // true or false 
    total: 1000,        // The total number of bytes to download.
    file: "file.ext"    // Name of the file
    dir: "youappname"   // Path where to download
    progress: 46,       // In percent

Using the plugin

        url: url2down,
        overwrite: true
    function(info) {
        // Example to stop a download on 30%:
        if (info.progress === 30)
            downloadmanager("cancel", {id: info.id}, function() {}, function() {});
    function(error) {
downloadmanager("cancel", {id: "example_id"}, function(res) {
    alert(res); // true or false
}, function() {});
        url: "http://wherever.com/lalalala/.txt",
        filePath: "from_myapp",
        fileName: "hello.txt", // (FileSystem)/Download/from_myappp/hello.txt
        overwrite: false,
        useNotificationBar: true,
        startToast: "Starting download...",
        endToast: "Download end!",
        ticker: "Downloading...",
        notificationTitle: "hello.txt",
        cancelToast: "Download canceled!"
    function(info) {
        console.info("id:          "+info.id+"\n" +
                     "downloading: "+info.downloading+"\n" +
                     "total:       "+info.total+"\n" +
                     "file:        "+info.file+"\n" +
                     "dir:         "+info.dir+"\n" +
                     "progress:    "+info.progress+"\n"
        // progress bar example:
        $('#progress_bar').css('width', info.progress)
    function(error) {

Based on



GPL v3
