pierrickrouxel / activerecord-jdbcas400-adapter

AS/400 JDBC adapter for ActiveRecord
MIT License
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This is an ActiveRecord driver for AS/400 using JDBC running under JRuby.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'activerecord-jdbcas400-adapter'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install activerecord-jdbcas400-adapter


Configure your database.yml in the normal Rails style:

  adapter: as400
  database: development
  username: user
  password: 1234

  naming: sql

  # This is possible only if naming=system and schema isn't defined
  libraries: lib1,lib2,lib3

You cas also use JNDI in production mode:

  adapter: jndi # jdbc
  jndi: jdbc/dataSource

If your DB isn't correctly discovered you can specify the dialect:

  dialect: as400

To use native DB2 connection (directly on IBM i JVM only), you can add this to database.yml:

  native: true

This connection doesn't require credentials.

Transaction isolation: no commit

If your database supports setting the isolation level for a transaction, you can set it like so:

Post.transaction(isolation: :no_commit) do

Valid isolation levels are:


Experimental features

Current library

To allow migrations with system naming, a configuration is added to adapter:

  current_library: lib

The specified library will be used to define a schema during create_table migration. It prevents creation of a table in QGPL.

If you want to use it with JNDI you can create a JNDI string and use erb in yaml to do something like this:

require 'java'
current_library = Java::JavaxNaming::InitialContext.new.lookup('java:comp/env/currentLibrary').to_s if Rails.env.production?

  adapter: as400
  jndi: jdbc/dataSource
  current_library: <%=current_library%>


Actually activerecord-jdbcas400-adapter is only compatible with IBM i V6R1 and later versions. It requires JDBC 4.0 driver and Java 6.


You can embed the JTOpen driver in your application. It is distributed in a separate gem : 'jdbc-as400'