pik-piam / edgeTransport

A detailed transport sector model.
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Prepare EDGE Transport Data for the REMIND model

R package edgeTransport, version 2.6.1

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Purpose and Functionality

EDGE-T is a fork of the GCAM transport module https://jgcri.github.io/gcam-doc/energy.html#transportation with a high level of detail in its representation of technological and modal options. It is a partial equilibrium model with a nested multinomial logit structure and relies on the modified logit formulation. Most of the sources are not publicly available. PIK-internal users can find the sources in the distributed file system in the folder /p/projects/rd3mod/inputdata/sources/EDGE-Transport-Standalone.


For installation of the most recent package version an additional repository has to be added in R:

options(repos = c(CRAN = "@CRAN@", pik = "https://rse.pik-potsdam.de/r/packages"))

The additional repository can be made available permanently by adding the line above to a file called .Rprofile stored in the home folder of your system (Sys.glob("~") in R returns the home directory).

After that the most recent version of the package can be installed using install.packages:


Package updates can be installed using update.packages (make sure that the additional repository has been added before running that command):



The package comes with a vignette describing the basic functionality of the package and how to use it. You can load it with the following command (the package needs to be installed):

vignette("EDGEtransport") # EnergyDemandGenerator-Transport Model (EDGE-T)

Questions / Problems

In case of questions / problems please contact Johanna Hoppe johanna.hoppe@pik-potsdam.de.


To cite package edgeTransport in publications use:

Hoppe J, Dirnaichner A, Rottoli M, Muessel J (2024). edgeTransport: Prepare EDGE Transport Data for the REMIND model. R package version 2.6.1, https://github.com/pik-piam/edgeTransport.

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

  title = {edgeTransport: Prepare EDGE Transport Data for the REMIND model},
  author = {Johanna Hoppe and Alois Dirnaichner and Marianna Rottoli and Jarusch Muessel},
  year = {2024},
  note = {R package version 2.6.1},
  url = {https://github.com/pik-piam/edgeTransport},