pik-piam / sodym

MIT License
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The sodym package provides key functionality for material flow analysis, including


sodym is an adaptation of:

Copyright (c) 2018 Industrial Ecology
author: Stefan Pauliuk, Uni Freiburg, Germany


sodym dependencies are managed with pip.

To install as a user: run python -m pip install sodym@git+https://github.com/pik-piam/sodym.git

To install as a developer:

  1. Clone the sodym repository using git.
  2. From the project main directory, run pip install -e ".[test,docs,examples]" to obtain all the necessary dependencies, including those for running the tests, making the documentation, and running the examples.

Note that it is advisable to do this within a virtual environment.


The notebooks in the examples folder provide usage examples of the code.

Why choose sodym?

MFA models mainly consist on mathematical operations on different multi-dimensional arrays.

For example, the generation of different waste types waste might be a 3D-array defined over the dimensions time $t$, region $r$ and waste type $w$, and might be calculated from multiplying end_of_life_products (defined over time, region, and product type $p$) with a waste_share mapping from product type to waste type. In numpy, the according matrix multiplication can be carried out nicely with the einsum function, were an index string indicates the involved dimensions:

waste = np.einsum('trw,pw->trp', end_of_life_products, waste_share)

sodym uses this function under the hood, but wraps it in a data type NamedDimArray, which stores the dimensions of the array and internally manages the dimensions of different arrays involved in mathematical operations.

With this, the above example reduces to

waste[...] = end_of_life_products * waste_share

This gives a sodym-based MFA models the following properties: