pikpikcu / Pentest-Tools-Framework

Pentest Tools Framework is a database of exploits, Scanners and tools for penetration testing. Pentest is a powerful framework includes a lot of tools for beginners. You can explore kernel vulnerabilities, network vulnerabilities
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Pentest Tools Framework (exploits, Scanner, Password.)


# NEWS Modules PTF UPDATE! > PTF OPtions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Global Option | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Command Description | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | show modules | Look this modules | | show options | Show Current Options Of Selected Module | | ipconfig | Network Informasion | | shell | Execution Command Shell >[ctrl+C exit shell ] | | use | Select Tipe Module For Use | | set | Select Modules For Use | | run | Excute modules | | update | Update Pentest Framework | | banner | PTF Banner | | about | Informasion Tools | | credits | Credits && Thanks | | clear | Clean Pentest input/output | | exit | Exit the progam | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Modules +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | EXPLOITS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | COMMANDS Rank Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | exploit/abrt_privilege_escalation | normal | ABRT - sosreport Privilege Escalation | | exploit/web_delivery | good | Script Web Delivery | | exploit/apache | good | Apache exploit | | exploit/shellshock | good | cgi-bin/vulnerable shellshock | | exploit/davtest | good | Testing tool for webdav server | | exploit/auto_sql | good | auto with sqlmap | | exploit/ldap_buffer_overflow | normal | Apache module mod_rewrite LDAP protocol Buffer Overflow | | exploit/vbulletin_rce | good | vBulletin 5.x 0day pre-quth RCE exploit | | exploit/cmsms_showtime2_rce | normal | CMS Made Simple (CMSMS) Showtime2 File Upload RCE | | exploit/awind_snmp_exec | good | AwindInc SNMP Service Command Injection | | exploit/webmin_packageup_rce | excellent | Webmin Package Updates Remote Command Execution | | exploit/samsung_knox_smdm_url | good | Samsung Galaxy KNOX Android Browser RCE | | exploit/cisco_dcnm_upload_2019 | excellent | Cisco Data Center Network Manager Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution | | exploit/zenworks_configuration | excellent | Novell ZENworks Configuration Management Arbitrary File Upload | | exploit/cisco_ucs_rce | excellent | Cisco UCS Director Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution | | exploit/sonicwall | normal | Sonicwall SRA <= v8.1.0.2-14sv remote exploit | | exploit/bluekeep | good | cve 2019 0708 bluekeep rce | | exploit/eternalblue | good | MS17-010 EternalBlue SMB Remote Windows Kernel Pool Corruption | | exploit/inject_html | normal | Inject Html code in all visited webpage | | exploit/robots | normal | robots.txt Detected | | exploit/jenkins_script_console | good | Jenkins-CI Script-Console Java Execution | | exploit/php_thumb_shell_upload | good | php shell uploads | | exploit/cpanel_bruteforce | normal | cpanel bruteforce | | exploit/cms_rce | normal | CMS Made Simple 2.2.7 - (Authenticated) Remote Code Execution | | exploit/joomla_com_hdflayer | manual | joomla exploit hdflayer | | exploit/wp_symposium_shell_upload | good | symposium shell upload | | exploit/joomla0day_com_myngallery | good | exploits com myngallery | | exploit/jm_auto_change_pswd | normal | vulnerability | | exploit/android_remote_access | expert | Remote Acces Administrator (RAT) | | exploit/power_dos | manual | Denial Of Service | | exploit/tp_link_dos | normal | TP_LINK DOS, 150M Wireless Lite N Router, Model No. TL-WR740N | | exploit/joomla_com_foxcontact | high | joomla foxcontact | | exploit/joomla_simple_shell | high | joomla simple shell | | exploit/joomla_comfields_sqli_rce | high | Joomla Component Fields SQLi Remote Code Execution | | exploit/inject_javascript | normal | Inject Javascript code in all visited webpage | | exploit/dns_bruteforce | high | Dns Bruteforce with nmap | | exploit/dos_attack | normal | hping3 dos attack | | exploit/shakescreen | high | Shaking Web Browser content | | exploit/bypass_waf | normal | bypass WAf | | exploit/enumeration | high | simple enumeration | | exploit/restrict_anonymous | normal | obtain credentials | | exploit/openssl_heartbleed | high | dump openssl_heartbleed | | exploit/samba | good | Samba EXploits | | exploit/smb | good | Albitary samba exploit | | exploit/webview_addjavascriptinterface | good | Android Browser and WebView addJavascriptInterface Code Execution | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SCANNERS | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | COMMANDS Rank Description | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | scanner/enumiax | good | protocol username enumeration | | scanner/wordpress_user_dislosure | normal | wordpress 5.3 User Disclosure | | scanner/botnet_scanning | normal | Bootnet Scanning, first need to find the botnet IP | | scanner/check_ssl_certificate | normal | SSL Certificate | | scanner/http_services | normal | Gather page titles from HTTP services | | scanner/dnsrecon | normal | Record enumeration | | scanner/sslscan | normal | SSL Scanner | | scanner/ssl_cert | normal | Nmap script ssl-cert | | scanner/dns_zone_transfer | normal | Dns Zone transfer | | scanner/dns_bruteforce | normal | Dns Bruteforce | | scanner/zone_walking | normal | Zone walking | | scanner/web_services | normal | Get HTTP headers of web services | | scanner/http_enum | normal | Find web apps from known paths | | scanner/ddos_reflectors | normal | Scan for UDP DDOS reflectors | | scanner/grabbing_detection | normal | Lighter banner grabbing detection | | scanner/discovery | normal | Scan selected ports - ignore discovery | | scanner/bluekeep | good | CVE-2019-0708 BlueKeep Microsoft Remote Desktop RCE Check | | scanner/drupal_scan | good | drupal scanner | | scanner/eternalblue | good | SMB RCE Detection | | scanner/header | good | header Scanner with nmap | | scanner/firewalk | good | firewalk | | scanner/whois | high | whois | | scanner/dmitry | good | Information Gathering Tool | | scanner/admin_finder | normal | Admin finder | | scanner/heartbleed | normal | heartbleed scanner vulnerability | | scanner/wordpress_scan | normal | wordpress scanner | | scanner/ssl_scanning | good | SSL Vulnerability Scanning | | scanner/dns_bruteforce | normal | dns bruteforce | | scanner/nmap_scanner | normal | port scanners nmap | | scanner/https_discover | normal | https discover | | scanner/smb_scanning | good | scan vulnerable SMB server | | scanner/joomla_vulnerability_scanners | high | vulnerability | | scanner/mysql_empty_password | good | mysql empty password Detected | | scanner/joomla_scanners_v.2 | good | joomla scaning | | scanner/joomla_scanners_v3 | normal | joomla scaning | | scanner/jomscan_v4 | good | scan joomla | | scanner/webdav_scan | normal | webdav scan vulnerable | | scanner/joomla_sqli_scanners | high | vulnerability scanners | | scanner/lfi_scanners | good | lfi bug scan | | scanner/port_scanners | manual | port scan | | scanner/dir_search | high | directory webscan | | scanner/dir_bruteforce | good | directory Scanning | | scanner/wordpress_user_scan | good | get wordpress username | | scanner/cms_war | high | FULL SCAN ALL WEBSITES | | scanner/usr_pro_wordpress_auto_find | norma | find user vulnerability | | scanner/nmap_vuln | normal | vulnerability Scanner | | scanner/xss_scaner | normal | Detected vulnerability xss | | scanner/spaghetti | high | Web Application Security Scanner | | scanner/dnslookup | normal | dnslookup scan | | scanner/reverse_dns | normal | Reverse Dns Lookup | | scanner/domain_map | normal | scanner domain map | | scanner/dns_report | normal | dns report | | scanner/find_shared_dns | normal | find shared dns | | scanner/golismero | normal | scan vulnerability with golismero | | scanner/dns_propagation | low | dns propagation | | scanner/find_records | normal | find records | | scanner/cloud_flare | normal | cloud flare | | scanner/extract_links | normal | links extract | | scanner/web_robot | normal | web robots scanner | | scanner/enumeration | normal | http-enumeration | | scanner/ip_locator | good | ip Detected LOcator | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | POST | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | COMMANDS Rank Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | post/enumeration | normal | http-enumeration | | post/vbulletin | high | exploits | | post/wordpress_user_scan | good | scanners | | post/dir_search | high | scanners | | post/cms_war | high | scanners | | post/usr_pro_wordpress_auto_find | normal | scanners | | post/android_remote_access | good | exploits | | post/samba | good | exploits | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PASSWORD | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | COMMANDS Rank Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | password/base64_decode | good | base64 decode | | password/md5_decrypt | good | md5 decrypt | | password/sha1_decrypt | good | sha1 decrypt | | password/sha256_decrypt | good | sha256 decrypt | | password/sha384_decrypt | good | sha384 decrypt | | password/sha512_decrypt | good | sha512 decrypt | | password/ssh_bruteforce | good | ssh password bruteforce | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | LISTENERS MODULES | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | COMMANDS Rank Description | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | android_meterpreter_reverse_tcp | good | Android Meterpreter, Android Reverse TCP Stager | | android_meterpreter_reverse_https | good | Android Meterpreter, Android Reverse HTTPS Stager | | java_jsp_shell_reverse_tcp | good | Java JSP Command Shell, Reverse TCP Inline | | linux_x64_meterpreter_reverse_https | good | linux/x64/meterpreter_reverse_https | | linux_x64_meterpreter_reverse_tcp | good | Linux Meterpreter, Reverse TCP Inline | | linux_x64_shell_reverse_tcp | good | Linux Command Shell, Reverse TCP Stager | | osx_x64_meterpreter_reverse_https | good | OSX Meterpreter, Reverse HTTPS Inline | | osx_x64_meterpreter_reverse_tcp | good | OSX Meterpreter, Reverse TCP Inline | | php_meterpreter_reverse_tcp | good | PHP Meterpreter, PHP Reverse TCP Stager | | python_meterpreter_reverse_https | good | Python Meterpreter Shell, Reverse HTTPS Inline | | python_meterpreter_reverse_tcp | good | python/meterpreter_reverse_tcp | | windows_x64_meterpreter_reverse_https | good | Windows Meterpreter Shell, Reverse HTTPS Inline (x64) | | windows_x64_meterpreter_reverse_tcp | good | Windows Meterpreter Shell, Reverse TCP Inline x64 | | cmd_windows_reverse_powershell | good | Windows Command Shell, Reverse TCP (via Powershell) | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # About Pentest Tools Framework INFO: Pentest Tools Framework is a database of exploits, Scanners and tools for penetration testing. Pentest is a powerful framework includes a lot of tools for beginners. You can explore kernel vulnerabilities, network vulnerabilities. # How to install PTF(Pentest Tools Framework) > root@kali~# cd Pentest-Tools-Framework > root@kali~# pip install -r requirements.txt > root@kali~# python install.py > root@kali~# PTF INFO: After running install.py you should select your backbox/kali linux /parrot Os , all computer OS, # About Pentest Tools Framework modules > Exploits INFO: A computer program, piece of code, or sequence of commands that exploit vulnerabilities in software and are used to carry out an attack on a computer system. The purpose of the attack can be as a seizure of control over the system, and the violation of its functioning! >Scanners INFO: The program that scans the specified Internet resource, archive or website. Also network scanners can scan open ports or your local network and IPs! # Why Pentest Tools Framework? > Pentest Tools Framework is a free software INFO: This is a good platform to start exploring vulnerabilities! > Simple UX/UI interface for beginners INFO: Pentest Tools Framework has simple UX/UI for beginners! It is easy to understand and it will be easier for you to master the Pentest Tools Framework. > A lot of tools for beginners INFO: Pentest Tools Framework has еру following modules exploits - scanners - password This is enough for beginners. ### Donate! (I love coffee and am very addicted to coffee:v)
Buy Me A Coffee # Credits & Thanks
[Nmap Security Scanners] [Metasploit-framework] [exploit-db] [offensive-security]