pilgrimdb / pilgrimdb.github.io

Pilgrim Routes Database
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Pilgrim Routes Database

A database of European pilgrimage routes for walkers and cyclists, with overview description and mapping.

As is usual with databases, both route details and the geographic features used in the mapping are in a fixed structure, and correct output depends on this. The database is designed to be communally maintained, using the Github infrastructure widely used by open-source software projects. The website is generated using Github's Jekyll software. See the contributing page for details on how to contribute.

Data structure

Each route has:

Each branch links two or more towns, and has a unique id.

A branch may or may not have mapping. Each mapped branch has one or more sections, generally roughly one day's walk. These sections correspond to GeoJSON features, and have the following attributes:

In addition, there is a list of attributions for each mapped route/branch.

Directory structure

Other files


The map program uses https://github.com/probins/map-make; js/setupMapdef.js converts the URL into map-make parameters.