piluohong / IG-lio-color

GNU General Public License v2.0
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本项工作 基于ig-lio紧耦合激光惯性里程计包构建彩色点云地图,未进行严格的时间同步。


·增加后端优化; ·严格激光帧和相机帧的同步时间;


Dataset : hku_main_building Alt text Alt text Dataset: hku_park_00 Alt text


This work proposes an incremental Generalized Iterative Closest Point (GICP) based tightly-coupled LiDAR-inertial odometry (LIO), iG-LIO, which addresses the challenges of integrating GICP into real-time LIO. The main contributions are as follows.

The experiment video can be found on YouTube , bilibili.

The paper is available in PDF.


1. Build

1.1 Docker Container

The docker-based standard development environment is available at https://github.com/zijiechenrobotics/ig_lio_workspace

1.2 Build from source

1.2.1 Prerequisites

:one: Ubuntu and ROS

Ubuntu >= 18.04. And Ubuntu 20.04 is recommended.

:two: GCC & G++ (only for Ubuntu 18.04)

gcc & g++ >= 9

:three: TBB (only for Ubuntu 18.04)

TBB >= 2020. Please follow https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB

:four: livox_ros_driver

git clone https://github.com/Livox-SDK/Livox-SDK
cd Livox-SDK
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
sudo make install

:five: glog

sudo apt-get install -y libgoogle-glog-dev

1.2.2 Build

cd <your workspace>
mkdir src
cd src
git clone https://github.com/zijiechenrobotics/ig_lio_workspace.git
git clone https://github.com/Livox-SDK/livox_ros_driver
cd ..

2. Run

2.1 NCLT Dataset

Download NCLT from http://robots.engin.umich.edu/nclt/

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ig_lio lio_nclt.launch

2.2 NCD Dataset

Download NCD from https://ori-drs.github.io/newer-college-dataset/

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ig_lio lio_ncd.launch

2.3 ULHK Dataset

Download ULHK from https://github.com/weisongwen/UrbanLoco

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ig_lio lio_ulhk.launch

2.4 AVIA Dataset

Download AVIA from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CGYEJ9-wWjr8INyan6q1BZz_5VtGB-fP (fast-lio) and https://github.com/ziv-lin/r3live_dataset (r3live)

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ig_lio lio_avia.launch

The fast-lio datasets miss the gravitational constant in the accelerometer. Please edit the avia.ymal

# for fast-lio
enable_acc_correct: true

# for r3live
enable_acc_correct: false

2.5 Botanic Garden Dataset

Download Botanic Garden from https://github.com/robot-pesg/BotanicGarden

source devel/setup.bash
# for avia
roslaunch ig_lio lio_bg_avia.launch
# for velodyne
roslaunch ig_lio lio_bg_velodyne.launch

2.6 Run with your own dataset

:one: Edit .yaml files in ig_lio/config

:two: Launch iG-LIO

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ig_lio <your launch file name>.launch

rosbay play <your rosbag>

3. Details about all sequences in the paper

We use abbreviations for all sequences due to limited space. The full names of all sequences are presented below.

Abbreviation Name Distance(km) Sensor Type
nclt_1 2012-01-15 7.58 Velodyne HDL-32E
nclt_2 2012-04-29 3.17 Velodyne HDL-32E
nclt_3 2012-05-11 6.12 Velodyne HDL-32E
nclt_4 2012-06-15 4.09 Velodyne HDL-32E
nclt_5 2013-01-10 1.14 Velodyne HDL-32E
ncd_1 01_short_experiment 1.61 Ouster OS1-64
ncd_2 02_long_experiment 3.06 Ouster OS1-64
ncd_3 05_quad_with_dynamics 0.48 Ouster OS1-64
ncd_4 06_dynamic_spinning 0.09 Ouster OS1-64
ncd_5 07_parkland_mound 0.70 Ouster OS1-64
ulhk_1 HK-Data20190117 0.60 Velodyne HDL-32E
ulhk_2 HK-Data20190426-2 0.74 Velodyne HDL-32E
bg_1 1006-01 0.76 Velodyne VLP-16 & Livox AVIA
bg_2 1008-03 0.74 Velodyne VLP-16 & Livox AVIA
avia_1 hku_main_buiding 0.96 Livox AVIA
avia_2 outdoor_Mainbuilding_100Hz_2020-12-24-16-46-29 0.14 Livox AVIA
avia_3 outdoor_run_100Hz_2020-12-27-17-12-19 0.09 Livox AVIA

4. Mapping Results

We aligned the mapping results of iG-LIO with Google Earth and found that iG-LIO retains global consistency maps.

NCLT 2012-05-11


Newer College Dataset 02_long_experiment




5. Paper

Thanks for citing iG-LIO (RA-L 2024) if you use any of this code.

# IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ( Early Access )
  author={Chen, Zijie and Xu, Yong and Yuan, Shenghai and Xie, Lihua},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, 
  title={iG-LIO: An Incremental GICP-based Tightly-coupled LiDAR-inertial Odometry}, 

6. Acknowledgements

Thanks for the below great open-source project for providing references to this work.

  1. LOAM (J. Zhang and S. Singh. LOAM: Lidar Odometry and Mapping in Real-time)
  3. Faster-LIO
  4. LINS
  5. SLICT

Thanks for the following public dataset.

  1. NCLT
  2. Newer College Dataset
  3. Botanic Garden
  4. R3live

7. Known Issues

What can’t iG-LIO do?

8. Time Line

Time Event
Aug 13, 2023 😀 Paper submitted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
Nov 5, 2023 😭 Revise and resubmit
Dec 22, 2023 🥳 Paper accepted for publication in RA-L
Current 🎉 Source code released