pimlie / nuxt-matomo

Matomo analytics for Nuxt.js
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analytics matomo middleware nuxt nuxt-module piwik

Matomo analytics for Nuxt.js

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Add Matomo analytics to your nuxt.js application. This plugin automatically sends first page and route change events to matomo


nuxt-matomo is not enabled in dev mode unless you set the debug option


By default route.fullPath and the document title are tracked. You can add additional tracking info by adding a route.meta.matomo object in a middleware or by adding a matomo function or object to your page components.

The matomo javascript tracker is also injected as $matomo in the Nuxt.js context. Use this to e.g. manually track a page view. See the injected and manually tracked pages in the test fixture for an example

:blue_book: See the official Matomo JavaScript Tracking client docs for a full overview of available methods

Middleware example

export default function ({ route, store }) {
  route.meta.matomo = {
    documentTitle: ['setDocumentTitle', 'Some other title'],
    userId: ['setUserId', store.state.userId],
    someVar: ['setCustomVariable', 1, 'VisitorType', 'Member']

Page component example

    <h1 v-if="expVarId === 1">New Content</h1>
    <h1 v-else>Original Content</h1>

  export default {
    // the matomo function is bound to the Matomo tracker
    // (this function is called before the page component is initialized)
    matomo(from, to, store) {
      this.setCustomVariable(1, 'VisitorType', 'Special Member')
    // return false if you want to manually track here
    matomo(from, to, store) {
      this.setDocumentTitle('my title')
      return false
    // or let the function return an object
    matomo(from, to, store) {
      // this object is merged with the object returned by a global middleware,
      // use the object key to override properties from the middleware
      return {
        someVar: ['setCustomVariable', 1, 'VisitorType', 'Special Member']
    // or simply set an object
    matomo: {
      someVar: ['setCustomVariable', 1, 'VisitorType', 'Special Member']
Track manually with vue-router beforeRouterEnter guard This is overly complicated, you probably shouldnt use this ```js ```


The plugin extends the matomo tracker with a setConsent(<consentGiven>) convenience method.

When setConsent() is called, the plugin will automatically call rememberConsentGiven when the module option consentExpires has been set. To forget consent you can pass false to this method.

See the basic fixture for an example how to use this method in combination with a Vuex store.

Module Options

siteId (required)

The matomo siteId






If true, loading of the page is blocked until window.Piwik becomes available. If false, a proxy implementation is used to delay tracker calls until Piwik is available.


When blockLoading: false we have to wait until window.Piwik becomes available, if a browser supports a Proxy then we use this. Older browsers like IE9/10 dont support this, for these browsers a manual list of api methods to proxy is added when addNoProxyWorkaround: true. See the list here

:warning: If you set this to false and still need to support IE9/10 you need to include a ProxyPolyfill manually as Babel doesnt provide one






The plugin also logs debug information when Nuxt's debug option is set




Nuxt.js uses vue-meta to asynchronously update the document.title, this means by default we dont know when the document.title is changed. Therefore the default behaviour for this plugin is to set the route.path as document title.

If you set the module option onMetaChange: true, then this plugin will track page views on the first time some meta data is updated by vue-meta (after navigation). This makes sure the document.title is available and updated, but if you have multiple pages without any meta data then those page views could not be tracked

vue-meta's changed event is only triggered when any meta data changed, make sure all your routes have a head option.

When debug is true, this plugin will show warnings in the console when

You can also use a combination of manual tracking and a vuex store to keep track of the document.title