When the request fails before sending a request / receiving an HTTP response, the exception cause is ignored, and the client returns an empty error message:
Caused by: io.pinecone.exceptions.PineconeUnmappedHttpException: null
at io.pinecone.exceptions.HttpErrorMapper.mapHttpStatusError(HttpErrorMapper.java:21)
at io.pinecone.clients.Pinecone.handleApiException(Pinecone.java:794)
at io.pinecone.clients.Pinecone.describeIndex(Pinecone.java:441)
Added the apiException as the cause HttpErrorMapper.mapHttpStatusError to make debugging easier.
Type of Change
[x] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
[ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
[ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
When the request fails before sending a request / receiving an HTTP response, the exception cause is ignored, and the client returns an empty error message:
Added the apiException as the cause HttpErrorMapper.mapHttpStatusError to make debugging easier.
Type of Change
Test Plan
not required