pingles / clj-mixpanel

Clojure interface for sending events to Mixpanel
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Send events to Mixpanel.


Add it to your project.clj:

[clj-mixpanel "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"]

You'll need the API token that's available in your account dashboard (

Mixpanel tracks events against users, all events must track users with a :distinct-id value; clj-mixpanel includes a generate-uuid fn that can be used.

To trigger an event named "Signed Up", and pass it data for an additional attribute (named extra-data below):

(def api-token "<API>")

(notify api-token "Signed Up" {:distinct-id (generate-uuid) :extra-data "hello"})}

Note that notify wraps sending notifications as a

The response can be retrieved by dereferencing the result. In the event of an error, the API will return a 200 response with more details in the body.


Copyright © 2012 Paul Ingles

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.