pingo / WIPS

Wireless Indoor Presence Sensing
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WIPS - Wireless Indoor Presence Sensing

WIPS means "Wireless Indoor Presence Sensing" and is a small project performed within the course "Wireless Communication and Networked embedded systems" at Uppsala University, Sweden during spring 2011.

The general idea is to create a simple system that reacts to movement (or presence) and transmits presence information to a central sink node. The sink communicates with a regular PC which in turn hosts a web server that publish presence information. The central server can also control various parts of the environment such as turning lights on and off using a Tellstick and wireless relays.


The hardware platform consists of five Zolertia Z1s. One acts as a central sink connected to a PC via USB, the other four nodes acts as sensor nodes using either a light sensor (the 1127) or a motion sensor (the 1111). Communication is performed using the CC2420 IEEE 802.15.4 radio present on the Z1.

For light control, a Tellstick from Telldus is used in conjunction with a LYCR-300 wireless relay.

Software components

WIPS uses the Contiki operating system as the underlying operating system and its communication stack Rime. Apart from Contiki, the following software components is used in the WIPS project and are available in this repository:

backend contains a simple Python 2 program that reads data on a serial port from the sink node and enters events into a Sqlite database.

common contains the packet protocol, modified rime libraries and netstack configuration.

frontend contains a PHP frontend for the database. An example lighttpd config is provided.

node contains the actual node software that polls sensors and handle radio communication.

sink contains the actual sink software that communicates with the sensor nodes and the base station PC.

testapps contains test programs for sampling data from phidgets and testing different types of network architectures.

tests contains unit tests.

tools contains some helper programs that aid development and debugging.