pingzing / trippit

An experimental Windows 10 Helsinki DigiTransit client
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link


Build status

A UWP HSL Reittiopas app for the greater Helsinki region. Runs on Windows 10 for Desktops and Mobile.



Feature Epics



Poorly-documented GraphQL Info

Time and date

Time and date parameters, when requested as strings, are expected to look like this:

date: "2016-05-20",
time: "23:28:00"

I.E. dates are in ISO 8601 format, and times are expressed in 24-hour clock format with colon separators.

When times are returned by the server, they are usually in UNIX-milliseconds timestamp format, encoded as longs.


When sending JSON requests, the double-quotes around strings must be escaped in the request. That means backslashes next to the quotes. In the request. Ugh.


        plan (time: \"2:59:0\"){ }  //note the backslashes and quotes next to the numerals
Transit Modes-The mode parameter

Contrary to the documentation, it's not a string that gets coerced to a masked enum (i.e. "WALK | BUS") but rather a comma-separated list of strings with no spaces (i.e. modes:"BUS,TRAM,RAIL,SUBWAY,FERRY,WALK").

Stupid Platform Bugs and Gotchas Log