pink-sh / StockMonitoringTool

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google doc comments specific to stock monitoring tool #8

Open aenieblas opened 4 years ago

aenieblas commented 4 years ago

Comments on Stock Monitoring tools by method:

  1. CMSY Report download often fails

CMSY info page give link to a downloadable version of the CMSY paper, if that is allowed (i.e. research gate link) give package version (Gianpolo’s email: The latest version of CMSY on the GitHub (of Feb. 2019) comes after discussions with Daniel Pauly and other researchers of the British Columbia University. In the e-Infrastructure, we made available version "O7q" (also downloadable from the GitHub), which is exactly the one we used for the papers. This is because stock assessment experts using the infrastructure should know exactly which algorithm is running behind the scenes and Pauly's modifications should be presented and discussed in a new paper. Further, Rainer and the other scientists gave me permission to transform just version O7q into a service, while leaving the new version to courses managed by CMSY experts or for scientists who may want to download the script from the GitHub.)

aenieblas commented 4 years ago

Please put the ELEFAN output figures in the order found on this gdoc: